READ ALL IF INTERESTED hello everyone i was just informing all that i have a request for all u great forgers out there.I want to start up a 2v2 tourny with my friends and we wanted to have all the tiers played on foundry custom maps.So me and vestigel will be creating 2v2 maps but i would also like some help with these.The maps have to be kind of small but not too small and not big also we would like them to be like the fh showdown 1v1(indoors).The maps we want are kind of similiar to the maps in the fh 1v1 showdown but we want them bigger because its a 2v2 tourny.And we want these maps also to be based off mlg maps aswell.So please if u think ur map would be great for a 2v2 tourny than please pm me saying ur maps discripition,embed pics,details,link to the map,and u can also put a vid but its not neccassary.And if ur map is good enough than we will put it in.And this tourny's information can be found out later once we get the rules down and info.And this tourny will begin once we feel that the site is complete.We are still deciding the prizes most likely it would be microsft points(like 3000 or something and this is also free).if u have any questions about this send me a pm and dont reply because i will most likely come back to this thread.TY ALL Forgedome
If a map is entered, does the author get something in return? I've been working on a 1v1/2v2/3man FFA map for a while. (It would have been done ages ago but I screwed up and had to re-do the thing)
Meh, I'll get it to you whenever I finish it up. Its actually pretty cool if you ask me, its asymtrical. (Don't know how to spell it, basically the opposite of The Pit)
Well, anybody as long as you have a partner. Sign-ups will begin when we have gathered all the maps (I'm making some).
II Zero, add my gamertag: Rejecting You to see the map I've been working on and tell me what you think. (Any of you other guys can add me too)
thats great well yeah we will inform the people who want to join this tourny once its ready for now were forging on the maps.=)
i have a relatively small symmetrical map that fits 3v3 and 2v2. right now im laying the last bit (the grenades) then gonna post it in play testing and just get a party together to make last minute changes and then it should b done. PM me if u sound interested, we could set up a game
Have one that might work. Three storied structure using fence walls for floors/cealings, dumpsters to help move up each level and a teleporter for quick jumps to the top and bottom levels. Completly enclosed and a game type with assault rifles, shotguns and regenerating grenades.