I agree, but don't they already have enough on their shoulders? The man was arrogant and I don't believe that was an outburst. Nor do I think he wanted the attention, but maybe he did. He has further distracted us (me included) from the meaning of Obama's speech. I see right in what Obama's doing. He does have some justification in wanting to limit Healthcare from costing people's lives. The government should have every right to pass a bill focused on Healthcare in the same way that the ADA protects us from food poisoning.
You don't yell "YOU LIE" at a Presidential speech. You just don't. I don't care if he meant it to be heard by EVERYONE or not. It was extremely rude, and disrespectful to say it, even if he was expecting the crowd to drown him out. Lol watch this. I disagree with the health care plan. I just don't see where the money is coming from. America is bankrupt! In debt! We can't afford it. Not only that, but I believe this will greatly decrease the quality of the healthcare and I'd bet a million dollars, that supposedly "rich" family's who are also struggling to pay the bills themselves, will not get any help at all. None. Zip. Nothing. Because this person over here "makes this much" and this person over here "makes this much". It's an illusion. The more money you make, the more is taken away. The less money you make, the more you are given. Obama is literally cutting the legs out from underneath the upper middle class. The problem is, the economy is like an upside down pyramid. There are few rich people, that pay the middle class people, who in turn pay the lower class people. Money starts at the bottom, and moves it's way up. If you cut the bottom of the pyramid off, who's going to pay the middle class people? If the middle class people cannot be payed, who's going to pay the lower class?
Ops I always think I'm in the debate thread and misinterpreted as an argument. I back up what Zander says fully. I kind of repeated everything you said. Sorry bro....
yes, yes i can. zander already said this, but you just dont do that. when you are elected to be the senator or representative of a state of the United States, you pretty much sign an unofficial contract to not be a douche.
The guy pretty much swept away the few scraps of validity that the GOP had left in the subject of healthcare. He may have even helped unite the democrats (the liberals and the fiscally conservative democrats). Did anyone watch the republican response? The moron contradicted everything Obama said. And to Zander and the other anti-healthcare people in here, the healthcare system proposed (the public option) is to be self sufficient. It will run like any other healthcare company, just under the government. Obama promised that if it adds a dime to the deficit, the plan is dropped. This means that there will be no added deficit. The plan may take a little time to get into place, but in turn prices of healthcare will drop and the absurd mistreatment of health insurance recipients will be gone. Oh and also Zander, when is money given besides welfare? You said that the poorer you are, the more money you are given. That's only true if you have welfare. Everyone is taxed.
I did not know that he had promised that, but I'm am VERY wary of it. I'll believe that when I see it.
Lol no I'm actually white and, politically correct, yellow. But that is if you count Cyprus as Eurasian. WOOT. So this still is quite interesting. The front page of yahoo had a story about Democrats predicting a healthcare bill will be passed within the next 3 months...