I wore this around school today, just to see how many peopple would think its funny while I walked through the halls. I decided to take a picture with some focus and stuff. If you wanna comment, go ahead.
If this doesn't get locked I'm going to be pissed. Sarge, where are you when I WANT you to lock threads? Hahaha. He's probably on his way so thanks in advance Sarge.
There is a topic, he wants feedback or just comments on it...sides post count doesn't count here so its really loosely moderated.
Sorry... didnt know I did something wrong.. I've seen people post pictures before. I'll edit the post.
Dragoncoals posted a picture of a tree in his back yard. You could say he wanted comments or feedback on that as well. Off topic is moderated. I'm going to be pissed if this is not locked, not because I really think that this should be locked immediately, but more because threads with far more serious topics than this have been locked. If you're going to set a standard, set it for everyone.
Dude, before you come into GnA where you normally aren't you should know what your talking about, Off topic is moderated because of people like you being all like /thread lock, over and over. This thread doesn't break any rules as Sweeny said, so lets drop it k?
I'm not having a bad day or anything. Off topic is my main section as well. I've been here for a year and a half and still only have 1500 posts NOT in off topic. I post about three posts in off topic for every one IN topic. It's just that threads with far more of a point are locked. That's all. Right there. That's my point. FAR more pointful threads are locked. Just repeat the statement above twenty times, THEN call me a ****. I'm not trying to start a fight or anything. I'm just SAYING.
If you would calmly look at the top of the thread you would realize this thread has just as much of a topic and point as the rest of the threads here. And as I said before, no breaking of rules here.
How am I not calm? Seriously guys, I'm just sitting here switching in between the Nostolgia thread and this one while eating a bowl of soup. I don't see the relevence. That's all. Get off my case. Jeez. It's just the internet. Leaving thread.
you obviously don't spend much time in the GnA then... Ryan, I would laugh if I saw a guy walking through the hall with that on. And I know a few that would. You could have colored the play button some more, but its still nice...
Before I start, I'd like to say to Zander, if you're gonna be a jerk about a drawing, please leave. I swear they should start banning people who come into topics and say "MOD LOCK" or something of the like, and don't fight it, you did do just that, not only did you do that you also kept playing on it with Sarge (point two being that it really doesn't matter because posts don't count here either). Try not to come back around here and be a jerk again. As for the drawing, you should have made the play button a bit more 3D. Maybe add a little more style to it or color it. It would be totally pimping if it was purple or some other color. Maybe 3D text too, that would be cool. Although if I saw someone wearing it I would laugh and probably join in too. XD