I used to be the only guy that could play with the regular xbox controller at my school, AND I'd end up beating those that played with the guitar. Sure you can't strum, but If you have quick hands like me, it doesn't matter. I play the piano, so I prefer pressing just the buttons anyway. This isn't a debate of which is better. I'm just saying, I'd LIKE to have the OPTION of playing with the xbox controller.
Has that option removed from GH5, or am I missing something? I, too, enjoy playing with the controller. I first played with the controller when the GH3 demo came out. I was fond of it. Later when I got the actual game, I became accustomed to using it. There was one guitar, and I would usually play with my brother or someone else.
Rock Band has never had the option to play with the xbox controller, and I believe that the last two or three guitar hero's have not allowed it either. If you download the newest gh demo, it doesn't let you play with it.
i watched a kid beat TTFATF on hard in my class. i promise it was hax free since it was my controller on my xbox.
I see. Well I think RB's pros out-weigh that con. I prefer drums or microphone, and it is a better game overall imo.
I bought rockband 1, and was so ****ing excited. I got the drums, and the guitar, and the microphone. Then I start it up, try to play with the controller, and it says you have to sing then. I stared at the screen for a few minutes, with my little brother eagerly standing next to me waiting for his turn. Then I got up, turned to him, and said "you can play". And walked away. That's how much I relied on the controller. I can't play with the guitar. It's not fun, and I suck.
Because that was the only way I could get the drums. Plus my brother's play the guitar controller, so hell why not. We can't all play with the controller.
Having rather quick hands from playing the guitar, I learned very quickly, and after a good month of playing guitar hero, I was playing songs on expert. My dad doesn't even know I have guitar hero 3 and he doesn't want to me to have it because he thingks that I would use it as a substitute from playing the guitar. I totally disagree with him, but whatever. So I was forced to play guitar hero 3, using a regular xbox controller. I find a whole lot easier to play with a controller, untill you get to songs like "Knights of Cydonia" "and One." They both have very fast picking parts, and I declared that it is physically impossible to beat those songs with a regular controller as a human. Unless you are God or you are using some kind of machine or some special modded controller, it is impossible to beat those songs with a standard xbox 360 controller. Those two songs keep me from beating the game on hard with my brother.
I sold guitar hero and rockband for that reason, they got in the way of my actual guitar playing. Now I really enjoyed singing and playing real guitar at the same time.. that was a kick.
MY PARENTS said that to my brother TOO. They said to my older brother "why would you want to play buttons, when you can play the real thing? Guitar Hero is for wannabe guitarists". But my brother explained that it's actually fun for us real musicians too because it's totally different than playing the guitar.
Holy ****, you don't even know how long I've been searching for that answer, stupid ****ing google. I didn't say anything about buying a beach house. No, nothing about a new set of lamps. /yay.
But yeah, I can play songs on the Controller, and I've kinda lived with playing with the controller since I broke my finger and couldn't play the guitar. If they removed the function, I could understand why, with clashing controls, but it just breaks the game experience for me. Plus, quick hands aren't just for Guitar Hero *wink* Thats win.