I feel so left out being ENglish! I've got 3 shops i can pre order from that get the game to my house a day early
Ask him haha he started the thread so must have acquired the info from some where so that would be what i would do.
is pre-ordering from gamestop the same as reserving a game? (theres a store at the mall close by so i wouldnt need to pre-order it online)
Getting the code emailed, not that it matters, on the day. Cost £35, And they're shipping early, so hopefully I'm getting it early by like, a day.
Yes you pre order it, you go in the day the game comes out and they have a reserved copy for you, so you buy it it has the code inside and you then go home and play haha.
*facepalm* Seriously? a global release date of 22nd September and you thought we already had it 3 weeks earlier? All the Amazon websites say that the code will eventually be emailed to you, in the UK its "in the next week after the games release" and the US has up to "10 business days". Both sound like "up to 2 weeks" to me. I preordered from Game.co.uk, I'd rather get it from a place I know physically exists on the high street, rather than a warehouse in the middle of nowhere (like Amazon). That way, if something does go wrong, I know I can just go in to town and complain in person (because getting a responce to an email takes far longer than it should).
Im not talking about the Uk residents who ordered it form amazon -_- and if you remember the Uk had h3 before the us. so i am sure they will have it before we do like always. I mean after all h3 also had a global release date didn't it??? and it still came out like 5 days in the UK before the Us.
Well I'm losing faith in them. Off-topic as it may be, I just ordered a pack of 100 CDs and at least 5 of them are obviously destroyed beyond repair. Although it was partly down to the shoddy case (which broke in transit, putting pressure on the CDs at the bottom, resulting in ten of them shattering/bending), they should have packaged it better. It came in a bent, flimsy cardboard box. Anyway, everyone will have Johnosn as previously stated. If you want him that bad, just order elsewhere. Thread Concluded.
I'm guessing the code will be emailed to at the email address you registered on the site with. When I pre-ordered Halo Wars I got the game a day early and they sent the flaming warthog code via email.
My comment about Amazon was not related to my comment about the UK getting the game earlier. And Halo 3 didn't have a global release date. We (the UK) got it on 26th September, everyone else got it on the 25th. Nearly the same date but ODST's date is the 22nd for the whole world. Halo 3 - nearly global release ODST - global release date