Default Mark VI. That's the way it should be, that's how it always will be for me (unless I happen to get Recon, then I'll use the Recon chest.)
I'm using EVA head CQB left, Security right & Katana chest, Primary Pink, Secondary medium blue. I don't think that's particularly overused. But everywhere I seem to see ODST helmets from fanboys, or hayabusa from people with guides, or sometimes standard from people who either think it means they're legit, or don't realise that they can change it.
I have never actually looked at someone and said, wow that person must have all the acheivments. So if you think your showing off by wearing them, your not. I also think that the katana is noobish to wear. Because, usually, when I see a full team of katana wearers, i know I'm going to win. Because 1/4 people got the katana by cheating anyway. So when I see katanas, boosters, and other cheaters I assume I'm going to win because most of the people who have to cheat at a game to get stuff suck. I have the halo 1 helmet, EVA shoulders, and hayabusha chest. As you can see in my sig.
i dont really care what you think. i like the katana and i just got it yesterday so im just wearing it now. the novelty will wearoff in a day or so and ill go back to eod.
i do agree that katana and security is noobish most unused armor permulation i have seen is recon head Security shoulders, and cqb chest i have full eva and security helmet
well yeah, i hate how everyone uses security AND katana. but i dont think you should label someones skill level on what armor they have. thats noobish in my opinion/
, but then I got Also, you can check how unique yours or any armor set is, just go over to
ehh... i suppose. anywayyy... i hate it when people say "oh look at that noob wearing hayabusa armor." yeah, if theyre saying "im so cool im a frggin ninja" then yeah its stupid, but if theyre just wearin it. dnt judge theyre skill by it cuz they might kick your ass in 1v1
never seen recon? at theorem, the shoulders are ok, they are a little wierd having your shoulders stick out, head is good in Certian colors, in other colors your head looks smal, body pownzzz mah body what i will be l8er or
that looks sick. ill prolly be recon body, shoulders, and either recon head or rogue. maybe even mark v
Actually, I like to switch it up to Mark V head, Recon shoulders, and either Katana/Hayabusa body. I'd come up with a pic, but I'm just too lazy at the moment.
meh I dont really care what my armour is, I use ODST head and hyabusa shoulders and body. I only have it like that to keep my mate happy or I would have an elite with combat head, commando/combat shoulders and assult body. as far as colours go I have orchid as my primary and cyan as my secondary
Whenever I go to playing as a Spartan (when and if I do... and when I get Halo 3 again when ODST comes) I guess I'll just wear Mark V head, EOD chest and Mark VI Shoulders. Halo 1 armor FTW!
One thing that I have noticed- the #1 most overused body is definitely the Katana. I would have worn my Katana with pride (like the good 'ol days) but now because of achievement glitches, everyone has a katana by getting half of the easy achievements... So lame... + Hayabusa chest sucks... Turtle neck armor looks so bad because most helmets go through the neck.
Yes i agree mike. But don't you guys think the Recon over will be a little over used once it becomes available and a lot of people get the seven vidmasters? I do. I think it'll be the next Hayabusa.