Yeah, when they're laying the ODST to rest towards the middle, that definitely sounds like some African language. TEEHEE
Wasn't talking about that. Just because I mentioned, in some way, several countries in one post doesn't mean I threw them together. I put them in paragraphs, a handy tool in the English language that allows people to distinguish points. My first point was, Halo has and always will be set in Africa, if it isn't set on something Forerunner or a spaceship of either alligence. I followed that up with a small trail off suggesting you, or whoever, should listen carefully to languages, and accents as they generally reflect the speakers native language, as they all have small little subtleties. Like French has rolled Rs and even pronounciation of words. You needn't take notice of this part as it's just a side thought. /Minor Rant.
How ****ing badass is this? Need moar shorts. This is just like the Halo 3 Believe trailers, they didn't actually show gameplay, but they built up hype, and made the Halo series look more badass than the "run and gun" game it really is.
i dunno... the brute was kinda meh to me.. It wasn't landfall brute, but still. Didn't look like it had very much hair on it.
the song sung in Gaelic and the song's name Cafe Del Mar - Light of Aidan - Lament. i found the lyrics translated. they seem appropriate. "And my army of brothers went over the hilltops, drenched in blood we may be... but fighting is all left to me... Together with my army of brothers... down we fall... darkness in all... through hell!"
Well you also have to consider this is just a small video to promote ODST. If they make a movie theyll deffidently have more money to spend on the animations. And then you wont even be able to realize its fake.
is it in hebrew? anyways, kind of strange, cool how you got the extended cut, they would need to talk in enlgish and have normal music 2 get on TV as a commercial,
i dunno about the extended, but the shorter was is in gaelic. the song. the men are speaking(yelling) hungarian.
The music fits the video, at least it's better than listening to slipknot with it. Plus, brutes shave according to halopedia
Funny, I didn't even notice that I didn't understand what they were saying until someone pointed it out, ODSTs sure can be BA, I've served with them, I've yet to see any soldiers, before or after them, who were as tough and elite as they were. Well, expect for the UNSC Spartans.