Any maps you have an affinity for?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Knight Kninja, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    Do you have any maps you seem to play really well on? or one you just have a secret technique? share your insights on certain maps that you just are really skilled at!

    My personal map is isolation. i used to hate the map but.. i sort of got to play it alot during the first team swat weekend and i decided i liked it. after ripping through the other team during swat i decided i would try playing it in lone wolves and TS.. well it works! i got a double kill off the back of a mongoose with a gredade lol.. and for some reason i make really nice plays. also, i would choose rocket over sniper any day.. on this map: i have never used the sniper. i use the rocket all time!

    EDIT: I would have posted a poll with this map but there are too many maps to do so sorry.. that would be cool to look at that though. (the max is ten right??)
  2. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I play really well on Construct, but I don't really have any secrets. My biggest strengths are BR, Sniper, and 'Nades, which are all very effective on this map. If it isn't MLG, I typically go up the right pink (away from explosives) or gold depending on where I spawn. I then grab the BR by the glass or BR by pink. I then grab the sniper and plasmas, and I jump down to gold. I then just patrol gold and the two hallways on the sides because of my steady BR and sniper. I really like how the battles are linear there, and I normally don't have any other distractions as I out BR the other guy or no scope him. I tend to stay away from the pink lifts and sword spawn because of the sword, but if I have to go there, my 'nades excel.

    I would say The Pit, but everyone likes/is good at The Pit. Not many people like Construct, so I have an advantage.
  3. ak1knight

    ak1knight Ancient
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    My K/D on Narrows is a lot better than on any other map, I think it's because I camp a lot with the sniper in the back of our base or in the center, or if I don't have the sniper I'll go through the man cannons a lot.
  4. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    That is my worst MLG map. I also hate sniping on that map because you are always vulnerable on one side of you, so I normally just rock the BR. You have no room for error, so if your no scopes aren't on, you're done.
  5. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    I know some arsome hiding spots on most levels and
  6. iahamp240

    iahamp240 Ancient
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    I Absolutly love Gaurdian, i know all the knooks and crannys all over the place, and know all weapon placment, and strategies. I can even get up on top of the metal structure on top of the map, even in an acctual game.
    #6 iahamp240, Apr 11, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2008
  7. ak1knight

    ak1knight Ancient
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    Yeah but I'm playing against high 30's so I don't have to be THAT good lol
  8. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    do people usually notice? you just shoot the plasma battery as your jumping right??

    Also, thanks to texashorn for reminding me.. construct was the other map i hated but now love and am alright at
  9. RMLol

    RMLol Ancient
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    Everybody hates isolation. Myself included.

    But I seem to do really, REALLY good on it during Lone Wolves.

  10. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    I HATE isolation and will rant and complain about it for at least a minute if it doesn't get vetoed (not really lol).

    I love guardian but I don't need to glitch to be good (guy above me). I can hold down the sniper spawn in both MLG and doubles and (even though I can't get a perfection, like ever) I'll just pwn at doubles (whichever base you want). Always fear the sniper on that map and if you need to, make sure the BEST person gets the active camo and takes them down.

    Personally I'm annoyed at how many noobs try to play MLG (going off-topic, must.....resist.....mindless ranting!). I doubt they know what MLG stands for.
  11. Coolant

    Coolant Ancient
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    I hate the map Last Resort, but I always play my best on it. Sandtrap is one of my better SL maps, and I can get a few lucky snipes on Valhalla.

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