Download and place in your fileshare if you play only the best infection. : Halo 3 File Details
The only thing that could make this picture better is to get rid of the vector points. 9/10 made me lol
Yes, I've seen them. Funny! Oh, and how do you remove teardrops? I don't know how to make weapons float in custom games.
Haha, boxes are the next big thing, thanks Joe. Funny Pic, teardrops are a problem of course, but you already know that.
You could save and quit the weapons to where you want them, and then in a custom game take the screenshot.
Bust up the box holding the BR, turn into a human so the vector points disappear, and this will be 10x better EDIT: Also, if you were to, for instance, stack walls and place a weapon on them, then delete the walls the weapon would be... :O floating!
I didn't get it at first. Now I realize the Boxes are supposed to be people! Even though I get it, i don't understand the whole Box thing.
How does infection win? All I see is a face-off. You should call it "Slayer vs. Infection" or something lol.
I can't belive he did this before you. Back on point the screenshots very funny but you should of took the photo in custom you don't have the (im not sure what to call it so i will go with tear drops).
Ok, well I called it Infection WINS because boxes are win, and so is infection. Combine them and... BAM!
if you save and quit and go into custom games the guns will fall. but anyway it made me lol since infection is my favorite part of halo (when it is good infection (NO Fatkid) and the only thing that should be changed has been stated at least 5 times before so i have to need to say it