Riot on the Hog Creator: Burrito of D00M Recommended Players: 5-13 DescriptionIts the humans time for revenge as they riot against the lone infected in the warthog. Will the warthog push and kill all the humans off or will the humans riot against the warthog and push them out of the circle. I first thought of this map when playing my map Red Grammar (which is not on forge hub and is another variant of the map Halo) when me and my friends started sabotaging the warthog driver by pushing him off. Thus creating Riot on the Hog. The Map Two Brave Troops Push the Hog The Hog Kills The Hog Wins This is my first map post on forge hub please enjoy and the links for the map and game type are bellow Riot On the Hog
This actually looks like a very fun gametype, but sadly I am low on space on the xbox so I will not be able to download. You might want to make the circle a little smaller but it might become an oval.
Played it, loved it, kept playing it... Awesome map dude, this is probably as simple as simple maps get but one of the best that I've played, the game worked well with just 6 people and was still amazing. KEEP FORGING
Looks very 1337 and what say. i like the idea, so people can actually influence the direction of the Hog? i never new that, looks kinda hard (giggedy) but ill try it out right.... NOW.
the map itself is very cool, i played on this with some friends, and they loved it. However like others said, the circle is small, maybe add some higher levels or decorated the current square
Thanks for the idea ill try to decorate it but i like the simpleness of the whole map but i will try it