Foundry MLG Massacre V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by James J, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. James J

    James J Ancient
    Senior Member

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    MLG Massacre V2

    Rockets-1, no spare clips.
    Mauler-1, 2 spare clips.
    Custom power up-1

    This is a MLG bases map for slayer, it's not perfect at this moment I need to clean things up. Also make it smother. The game play is good, if anyone wants to help me Fix it up just message me on XBL, my Gamertag is
    "MLG JIMMY JAY" I would greatly appreciate the help. I'm not the good at making maps look nice I'm a good idea maker.

    Red base
    [​IMG]Blue Base.




  2. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Embed your screenshots correctly, copying and pasting from Bungie doesn't work. Go to and copy and paste the BB code from your screenshots here that say High Impact Halo.
  3. An UrgeTo Dance

    An UrgeTo Dance Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First off welcome to ForgeHub and congratulations on your first map. Haloscreenshots is a good way to post pictures, but it is down right now, you need to use photobucket. It's quite easy you make an account at photobucket, then download the pics from (view hi-res), then upload them from your computer then copy and paste url to your description, and you have pictures. Another good thing about using photbucket is you can edit the pic to make a cool title pic.

    If you have any questions just ask me. Oh and I would like to warn you that if you don't fix the pics within 24 hours your thread might be locked!!

    EDIT: if the pictures in your fileshare are the pics of this map than the map looks good. It looks well forged the only thing is when you put both bases on one side of the map, it seems that everyone stays on that side of the map and doesn't use the other half.
    #3 An UrgeTo Dance, Sep 8, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2009
  4. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You know what, Just click here to fix your screenshots. Its nice and detailed so you should have no problems. Also welcome to FH.

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