my map odst on made for two team slayer it uses the bottom aria and it is dark like odst i think i did a good job makeing it this is my first time posting a map
You need at least 1 picture and a download link to your map or this thread will be locked. To upload your screenshots, first go to the theater made and take a screenshot from a vid of you map, then go to you halo 3 service record on and go to your recent screenshots. Then download your screens to you r pc and upload them to photo bucket. You can then embed them using the last code under the picture. To make a download link first upload your map to your file share and then go to and copy and paste the link from your halo 3 service record. It's also a good idea to add some additional info about your map, things like a weapon list, suggested gametypes, how many players your map will support ect. I'm looking forward to seeing this map and will give you a full review once I've tested it out.
ok if you need help laying out your map look at some of the featured maps, they have a fancy photoshopped title and pictures of all the nessecary parts of the map. it also helps if you can spell, or have download link, or pictures, or a description of the map.......
wtf! what happened to everyone. did we all suddenly become selfish grumpy sh*ts or something? instead of complaining that he hasnt done it right, help him. he's obviously new to forgehub so show him the ropes or something. here use this to post pics tutorial
Bless, didn't even post the DL link Come on dude, slap up the link and a few pictures, and i'm sure we can have a look
i feel like there may not be enough of a tutorial section to counteract problems like this. sticky a list of criteria you have to have before the post button is even pushed or something. maybe this is a great map and well all be in awe over it... then again it could be a dud like some of the very first midship & halo 2 remakes in foundry so long ago... either way this post completely blue-balled me.