The Warship

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Darkelite, Apr 13, 2008.

  1. Darkelite

    Darkelite Ancient
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    The Warship-by Darkelite420

    The Warship is an asymetrical map of a ship. The ship is sort of like a cargo ship with the crates ontop of it where many of the weapons are at but it more than earns the name The Warship with the turrets and other weapons it has on it.


    Attackers enter the ship through a shield door down at the bottom and then can gain access to the deck of the ship by going up a ramp. On the deck of the ship their are serveral crates and numerous other objects to provide cover and contain weapons.

    On the backend of the deck is the crew quarters and the Bridge. In the crew quarters/bridge is most of the defenders best weapons and equipment, on the bridge their is also a turret aimed at the deck to fend off any intruders.


    The Warship is made for asemetrical objective game types, such as infection, 1 bomb assualt and 1 flag CTF.​

    The defenders start on the ship and have to fend off the attackers.
    The attackers start off in the built in hallways at the back of the map, their they have their weapons bunker and several ghosts which they can use to aid them in attacking/boarding the ship.
    *for infection let zombies use vehicles
    Special features
    In this map its raining...fusion coils, i put in fusion coils that will rain down around the boat in order to provide more difficulties for the boarders and to discourage them from jumping on their ghosts them jumping over the edge of the ship to get on the deck.

    Link to Download
    #1 Darkelite, Apr 13, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2008
  2. Big Mc Patty

    Big Mc Patty Ancient
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  3. Darkelite

    Darkelite Ancient
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    Thanks, let me know what you think of it after you get a chance to play it :)
  4. CostlyAxis

    CostlyAxis Ancient
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    I agree, I'll have to give this map a look too. Shame I'm already getting close to my content limit again.
  5. furbyxxx

    furbyxxx Ancient
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    o man battlefield 2 comes to mind...

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