MULTIPLAYER BETA You've probably seen my cooperative effort, TrenchWars 1918. Well I'm back, with my own map franchise, District 9. This is a Forge-Hub exclusive multiplayer beta, and you will be the first to play and give feedback on this new "Micro-Game" experience. I am calling District 9 a micro game, because it is the unofficial game of the movie. It will feature map packs, campaign missions, new gametypes, and a ton of gameplay. Clear up that hard drive. Oh, and before you read the post, look at the video below. YouTube - District 9 Trailer #2 (HD) Ok, so now that you have a feel for what District 9 is all about, I'll talk a bit about the map you will be playing on, and how to participate in the beta. The map posted here is simply the beta map. This is a fairly simple map, that will NOT be included in the final and actual game. After you play this, please comment and tell me what you liked, and what you didn't, plus things that need to be fixed. The final product will have many more features, but features in this beta are: A choice between "Prawns" and "MNU" teams. D9 Slayer Game-Mode Playable Exosuit MNU and Prawn armories Weapon pickup meter All that will be explained later, but for now, enjoy the map post! -1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Here is an overview of the map. Lots of firefights occur on this map, many of which can be very epic. View from the streets Main overview of map As you can see, the forging in this beta is not extremely neat, but there are two reasons as to why: 1. This is simply a beta. 2. District 9 is a very poor area, and I felt that too much interlocking would ruin that. There is quite a bit of interlocking, however. When you spawn, you will become either MNU or the Prawns. Both of these teams have different traits and weaponry, and even vehicles! MNU MNU soldiers get more human-like traits than the prawns, and they spawn in an armory with Sniper rifles, 2 rockets, SMGs and shotguns, among other human-like weapons. They move a slightly slower than the prawns, and don't jump as high. They have slightly more damage resistance, due to balance issues. They can also drive vehicles, and have 2 warthogs at their disposal that never respawn. Prawns The Prawns have a more different twist on gameplay. They can run slightly faster, and jump noticeably higher than MNU agents. They are a bit weaker damage resistance-wise, but it is fairly unnoticeable. They have alien weapons like sentinel beams, plasma rifles, start weapon needlers, spikers, and fuel rods, among others. They can only hijack vehicles, not drive them, but they have something better... The Exosuit The exosuit is not overpowering. Powerful, but not overpowering. In the Prawn armory, there is a custom power-up that spawns every two minutes. This power-up lasts for 90 secs, and grants the user some tough shields. Normal Shields 50% recharge speed High damage resistance Low speed and moderate jump. 200% damage output. This is what can really throw some interesting stuff into the game. You may ask if this is overpowered, but that's what I need you for! To test if it is! NOTES For 10 seconds, your shields will blink, telling you that you can pick up weapons at that time. When they stop blinking weapon pickup is disabled. Tell me if there is anything I missed, and please test! Here is a pic of the Prawn armory, MNU armory pic up soon! LINKS MAP GAMETYPE (Both needed)
i like the idea of a district 9 game and the map seems really fun but i have a couple of suggestions. One make a floor a couple of blocks up to but the prawns on, so that you can make the little hideout with the space ship underground that they had in the movie. Also you could add a couple of more huts. Overall 4/5
Ive still yet to know what the man cannons are for. And I also think others will ask the same question. My guess is that it somehow relates to the movie and is basically for aesthetics.
Wow this looks intense. Ive wanted to do a d9 remake ever since i saw the movie, but from the description it sounds like this will be alot more. If you do this right, the d9 maps will be just flat out epic. I actually really like that you didnt interlock in this map, because it really does remind me of the slum area. Ya, im gonna download this and try and test it out a few times, if i can get enough people. Im looking forward to this being finished
I'm assuming the mancannons are to keep people from breaking the map, or maybe to represent the barbed wire (?). Not really sure why you didn't just build a higher wall. Anywho, I decided to pick a map randomly and got this one. I'm not a big fan of armories, and the reason showed while we were playing. Camping was necessary with shotguns on the human side, because the prawns had long range weapons that easily cut us down if we tried to rush, even as a team (beam rifles, but mainly that sentinel beam). The warthogs helped one rush, then once we got defeated and the warthogs blown up we were pretty much screwed. It's a cool idea but it could use some tweaking. If possible, I'd move around the houses and make it more close quarters. Maybe some tunnels or air ducts between some houses to improve the movement within quarters so you don't necessarily need to go out. Also, stray away from a grid-like city type, and add more houses. You're trying to avoid long range shots, besides the fact that District 9 is supposed to be extremely crowded. Lastly, I thought it would be cool if you had parts from the movie...the African guys' area, but most especially a large pile of garbage that would be a 'power area', balancing out the Prawns against the now closer range game that plays more towards the humans and their shotgun.
I dont like how the humans and prawns start out with weapons, i think it just ruins the gameplay. When you build the actual map, dont put in starting armouries, spread them out over the map. Also, i see that the houses are built in someways like a grid. Make the houses a mit larger next time and put them toghrther, to make it look more 'poor like'. Also, veichles on this map are hard to drive since it's so cramped. You should take those out. If you do build the real map, put it on the surface, not the crypt. 6 out of 10
Alright, thanks for the suggestions guys! I will keep all of this in mind in the newer and final version. Oh, and Chris, what? You said nothing a bout the map at all. Mancannons I thought gave the map more of an interesting feel, like "you are here and you are going to stay here until you die."
i like this map it is more of a asthetics map but it is cool. you should try and make the district in the center section not the crypt then you could add vehicles. overall 4/5
Well Ben, you know how I feel about this map. Unless you have made edits since I last played. But because you insist... This map is just way too hectic. With a fight around every corner, you can't get anywhere. The only safe places are the buildings and those arnt very secure. One good addition maybie is to put a small raised area in one of the corners of the maps on the humans side that has a turret and some other cover. The prawns could easily take the guy manning the turret down so it wouldn't be over powered. But if you do think it is overpowered just simply put blocks on the side of the turret so that it can't see on the corners that well. Also, as another guy said is to make something like air vents or something like that that is small to not take up much room but people can move through them to get to other buildings. It would also be a good place to hide a weapon. Also, the armory just doesn't work for me. I think both teams should still spawn in that cage where they have a choice of some simple weapons but the good weapons scattered wherever you decide to put them. Like some power weapons hidden in corners of buildings. Guns behind dumpsters. Under barrels. Wherever you think of. Except if you want the prawns to have certain weapons then hide their weapons on their side of the map and the same for the humans. Of coarse either team would be able to sneak over to the other side and steal their weapons, but having the weapons meant for each team on their side would make it more likely for them to find those. Remember, Im just going off that time i played with you. Tell me if there is anything that I did not say clearly and i will try to clarify it. We need to get another game together and Ill give this game another chance.
I would definitely try to get rid of the armories, its not that yours aren't good its that most people don't like armories. Also the whole part where you teleport in is kinda bad i would suggest that you spawn in district 9 if you are a prawn and spawn outside is you are a mnu. Then the MNU will have like 3-4 different gates to get inside of district 9. Finally i think that you should make huts with secret rooms in them with the best guns, like how in the movie all of the hidden rooms had their weapons. Thank you for your consideration
Now all of this is good, I need posts like these, thanks Chris. I notice people feel weird about the armories. I put those in due to the weapon pickup timer. As you know, humans can't use Prawn weaponry in the movie, so I need a way around that.
Solid map, well forged and best of all fun but this is partially ruined by armories. Now here is your way around this use the system i set up for my maps class selector, twice for the prawns and MNU just a block from which you can jump into tubes containing weapons and a teleporter (the teleporters can lead to other teleporters more than 1 so they can't be camped either) located in the sky bubble. If you can implement this im pretty sure it will solve your armory problem and act as a fairly new feature (I've only done it with one team in infection games) Thank me if it works
Looks great i will totally dowload! i loved the movie and from the pics and description i expect this map to be pretty fairly epic! Good job on the slums look. 5/5
alright I know you posted this in maps section, but you are looking for suggestions and I think I have a really good one... this map could give you the perfect area to make your district 9, and you could just create 4 doorways insterad of the 1 it offers. I know items might be a problem, but how awesome would it be if you used this? The humans drive in on their vehicles and heli's ( hornet) and the prawns inside need to defend their turf.
from the first look at this map, i realized 2 things. 1) this looks SO much like the district 9 atmosphere seen in the movie. 2) people that haven't seen or heard of the movie are going to think this is sloppy, horrible, rushed forging that looks like crap. However, i can tell you spent a lot of time and effort on this map, and it looks like it plays great, so i give you props for that. Keep it up! 5/5