Red vs. Blue · Chapter 12 lawl i was so happy at grif's line there when hes trying to drive the elephant! i couldnt find it on youtube.. is there a way to link from roosterteeth?
Is it just me or do the action scenes kind of... let you down? I mean, it's all great. The writing is decent, the camera work is great, and the acting/puppeteering is top notch. But during action scenes all that goes away... camera shots consist of two or three sweeping views, and nothing is planed. At least, that's how it looks.
Yes, that's kind of what pissed me off. I suppose it's men Tucker had with him? I mean they never showed them... which I could understand doing that, if they did it well, which they didn't. Whoever it was, they had alien tech. At least you know that.
"Why are there only 4 pedal if there are 6 directions" Well they're not known for their action. They're known for the comedy and creativity.
I know, but the lack of effort put into the action scenes is a cruel parody of the time and creativity they put into the humor and normal set up.