Yeah, I'm tired of using a gamertag shared by 4 people, it doesn't show MY true skill at Halo 3. So with some Christmas money I'm getting a new gamertag and these are some names I came up for it. I checked and they are all available. If you think I should have something else, THAT IS COMPLETELY FINE! Suggest what I should use! I'm up for all and any suggestions! I'll give you some information about me. Name: Niko Molina Age: 14 Sport: Football, I absolutely love this sport and I'm a beast at it. Hair: RED, not orange. I'm actually pretty good in Halo 3 at fighting, and my favorite weapon is the Battle Rifle. If you need ANYTHING else just ask.
Well since you have red hair, if you happen to have freckles, I would do something along the lines of Ginger Pride, . But really, that would be tight.
I'm Your Fatality doesn't sound badass at all ... You might be translating it as "I am your death" but a more appropriate translation is "I am your kill". The fatality is the person who died, so if you are their fatality, you are the dead one. So the name would mean you suck. Try to avoid X's around names or numbers, you just look like a complete idiot with those. Using leetspeak to spell the name isn't very professional either. I recommend either one or two words of meaning.
fa·tal·i·ty /feɪˈtælɪti, fə-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fey-tal-i-tee, fuh-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun, plural -ties. 1. a disaster resulting in death. 2. a death resulting from such an occurrence: a rise in highway fatalities. 3. the quality of causing death or disaster; a fatal influence; deadliness. 4. predetermined liability to disaster, misfortune, etc.: a fatality for saying the wrong thing. 5. the quality of being predetermined by or subject to fate: There is a fatality in human affairs that leads to destruction. 6. the fate or destiny of a person or thing: Death is the ultimate fatality of all human beings. 7. a fixed, unalterably predetermined course of things; inevitability: to resign oneself to the fatality of life. Fatality does work.
Make it "Your evil gerbil", or "Your mom". Now, all of your kills are hilarious. But if there is a choice based only on your options, it'll would have to be Your Fatality.
personally, i like 1 or 2 'words', that arent like Your or My or anything. Fatality is a really cool name, but its used by one of the top gamers, F8ALITY (i think thats how it is)
Alright, it is.... drum roll please... YOUR FATALITY My emblem is going to be like a dark color. Going to try to make it look evilish just because my name sounds...evil.