I was perusing bungie forums on odst when someone brought up the fact that the Kig Yar (jackle) can make a phalanx with their shields and allow grunts and stuff to hide behind them while they advance. How awesome would that be to have a line of Jackles with their sheilds up and grunts throwing nades from behind them. In the h2 e3 demo they showed Kig Yar making a phalanax but it was never put into game. Also what about other things, we know the burtes send the Engineer's as bombs and to use as cover but what about grunts being used as sheilds, they are after all cannon fodder foot soilders.
win i think they left out because it would be a little to unfair having nades thrown out of a 1way bubble sheild
True, but you could just lob nades over the shields, also the chain guns knock them out really quickly and in the trailer one of the odst's was running with one.