if it does make it into matchmaking it has to go through me first - personal insults will not help with that process - play nice to the map - i see several problems with the design and game-play, most notably Friendly Fire being turned off - in testing we were able to hit the ceiling in EVERY map, including Sandbox by having 3 players hammer-launch an invulnerable player - if this map is to succeed it must be completely unbreakable without resorting to using kill balls, mancanons, grav lifts or teleporters to keep players on the field the main level of Sandbox is not suitable for Grifball - in testing several players who had newer wide-screen monitors complained of unbearable glare from their hammers and were unable to complete the test - this is why Grifball Palace can not be found in Matchmaking that being said - i would love to see a version of this court constructed in the Crypt - i think the aesthetics are great and you have captured the spirit of the namesake - i have been looking for a community-built court for months and all have fallen short - this map has the potential to be a great map as long as it is 100% unbreakable, fun, accessible (no special skills required for new players) and passes the acid test of pleasing Grifball League testers please send me a PM or XBL message when you believe the court is 100% complete and ready for testing (but first, go into the Grif Cave, or Grifball High courts and change the gametype to Assault for hints as to how to make a fair court - precise placement of game elements is essential) also, i am fully aware of the problems with the existing Chichén Itzá court so there is no need to discuss it here
lol, Grif-en Itza? Thats an epic win. This map keeps getting better and better looking, and nice for noticing that you rushed, and slowing down. Hopefully this will turn out awesome. Could you send me a message over xbl when you start testing? I would love to be there. Edit: Sorry about that NOKYARD. Didnt mean to offend anybody. I apoligize for my thoughtless comment.
Orly? Okay, well guys, looks like there will be a even larger-delay on this map. It will be moved to the crypt. I have noticed a REALLY obnoixious glare of the hammers while playing on the main level. And I also had to begin thinking of alternative ways to making a ceiling given that I too, was able to escape rather easily from two people hitting me with hammers. Don't worry guys! This map will remain as awesome as it currently is (if not better), just in the crypt. I'll keep you posted. Thanks a bunch for your heads-up Nokyard. You've just saved me ALOT of time.
check out the new geomerging technique - it will save incredible amounts of time - no more pushing, floating, interlocking, save'n'quitting - you can build a complete map without saving and quitting!!! i am completely re-building the MM Grifball court tonight
I say make the repawns on the side of plant zone so oppposite corners EDIT: i actually read the whole thread and i see you sordted that i think you will have to make giant walls to prevent escapage* i would happily test this map, i can even ge tsome "Grifball pro" players to test aswell (bytheway* i have a freind who can hammer bounce to the top of foundery because his host is strong. so yea big walls. if your wondering its laggerz) EDIT 2: if its before ODST comes out i cant halo broke
Have to say personaly i think it looks better that myan grifball, which im not a big fan of. Im not to keen on needing to people to plant the bomb though.
Nokyard, which MM ones are you re-creating? And by the new geomerging technique you mean the OLN one right? Problem is with that you can only merge the OLN objects. Of course if you're meaning a different technique, please inform.
I still want this one badly mayan gball blows hard, but have you seen Griff Cave??? thats not too bad a griff map in the crypt, but still i hope your's gets done and plays well and i hope it goes to mm.
Oh really, I guess I haven't looked into that thread lately!! Going to see. Thanks for the heads-up. Updated the first post! New screens, go check it out.
I hope you planning on building all the way to the ceiling or make a steep slope thing at the top, because a few hammer swings could send you to the top or over the wall.
The map itself looks great and really unique compared to the normal grifball map. My only problem is that if a whole team is killed dont you think the other team will pretty much score no matter what, since the plant point is near the bomb and not near where the other team will spawn. But that may just be me.
Thats what i was thinking, although in real mayan basketball this was how it was layed out. Idk i guess we'd have to play it and see how it works.
Uhh yeah, thats why this is still a preview, I am no where near done with it. As I've stated before, depending on how testing goes many things are subject to change. I.E. if having the start points at the side F up the gameplay, something will be edited to make it work better. Don't worry, it will play nicely.
I plan on finishing the map up tonight, and need some testers, if you've posted somewhere in this thread saying you're willing to help, expect a PM from me sometime soon. Also, updated the thread with some new pictures. Thanks everyone.
this is by far the top community supplied variant i have personally seen (people have also submitted maps to the Grifball Commissioner but he has not forwarded any of those to me) i mentioned some gameplay tweaks after our first test and we will see how they improve the game i forgot to mention that you will need to come up a new name - it must be different from the present name and not have "Mayan", "Chichén" or "Itzá" in the title - i realize this must be difficult but it is important for it to have unique name so people do not confuse it with the other court - you could start your search for a new name here - the game variant should be as close to the original variant as possible, only making the changes your court requires, without changing any of the damage modifiers (i learned the hard way that Grifball players get pissed when you modify the players strengths and weaknesses) if you have any budget remaining you could find some design clues here for additional aesthetic touches
I love the red side Noxiw! When I clicked the link the map thread I was all like "Please be geomerged" in my head, and look at that! I recognize that first picture from the new forge glitch thread! Amazing map Noxiw, can't wait to see how blue side's doing!
A new name huh? Okay, I'll ponder that while I am at work today.. As for the game variant, it has been drastically changed from our first test. It's not that far off from the original game by now. (test tonight...?) As for more aesthetic touches, I could throw some more in. I'll look into that tonight. Oh, I wasn't aware I didn't have the entirity of the map uploaded for a preview. I'll show you the blueside tonight. And thanks.
Griffball comissioner? Link to contact him, I got a new griffball map ive made I really like the look of this map, if your having any more tests, im up for it.