Okay, I'm new to this whole "making custom sigs" sorta thang.. and I really feel like a n00b.. Anyways, please tell me what CnC means.. and I'll just assume that Resource is just a tutorial sort of thing that will help you with future sigs. Okay, now here's my first "custom" sort of sig: Plz tell me what you think. Also, forgot to save it in photoshop format.. so I can't really edit it anymore.. lol
CnC stands for Comments aNd Critisizm I think its a pretty good sig. Its a good perspective and i like the colours. I would say you should get rig of that pattern thats overlaying on the top, it kinda spoils it. Also you should save ur images as png cos it gives a much higher qaulity than jpg
Okay, thanx.. also, I've heard that if you reopen a pic (in any format) with photoshop it'll degrade the quality..? is that true? EDIT: Here are the original pix (if you're interested):
wow for being new, great job on colouring! but that thing taht you used on top of it.. idk what it is, but that texture you have, remove it. stuff like that never leooks that great