Sandbox Eternity Vale

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by oh knarly, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Eternity Vale is my third map and my first on the ground level of sandbox. It is aimed at big team objective battles, especially CTF and provides a epic battleground for slayer games. Inspired by the halo 2 vista map, Uplift, it took me many frustrating hours in forge to complete, I even had to start again after half way through when I accidentally deleted all the objects of the inventory. ​

    I have had many comments about the lack of cover on the dunes, this is intended. It plays like the map is based on, on-foot battles upstairs and vehicle battles on the ground floor. However, there are many anti-vehicle weapons such as rockets, missile pod and plasma nades for those who like to risk it or have somehow found themselves there.​

    It has been tested in many forms and the version I bring to you is the best and most balanced of them all. ​


    It is ideal for 4v4/5v5 games of CTF, Assault and Team Slayer. It supports up to 10 player games of:
    ~Team Slayer​

    YouTube - Eternity Vale
    Thanks to jameslieb1 for this video, I apologize for the lift style music. Youtube and it's copyright issues..​

    Weapons List
    [​IMG] x7 // 30 sec // 2 Spare Clips
    [​IMG] x4 // 45 sec // 2 Spare Clips
    [​IMG] x2 // 120 sec // 2 Spare Clips
    [​IMG] x2 // 120 sec // 2 Spare Clips
    [​IMG] x1 // 150 sec // 2 Spare Clips
    [​IMG] x2 // 180 sec // 0 Spare Clips
    [​IMG] x2 // 180 sec // 1 Spare Clip
    [​IMG] x1 // 180 sec // 0 Spare Clips
    [​IMG] x2 // 180 sec
    Plasma Pistols x2 // 90 sec ​

    Bubbleshield x1 // 180 sec
    Power Drain x1 // 180 sec
    Regenerator x1 // 180 sec
    Grav lift x1 // 180 sec
    Trip mine x1 // 180 sec
    Active Came x1 // 180 sec
    Overshield x1 // 180 sec
    Frag Grenades x8 // 30 sec
    Plasma Grenades x10 // 30 sec​

    [​IMG] x2 // 180 sec
    [​IMG] x2 // 180 sec
    [​IMG] x4 // 180 sec​







    Thanks to all my testers, especially Lipkatopolis and AceofSpades0707 who attended the two final and most important test games. I hope you enjoy this map for all eternity!
    #1 oh knarly, Sep 7, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009
  2. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Man, another (more acceptional) map for BTBs. You made good use of your geomerging here. One reason why I don't build BTB maps is because I don't have faith in a good design. This map just has a wonderful setup. I'm curious to know why the mongooses, as the standard transport vehicle, has a 180 second respawn time. Also, YouTube didn't have any issues with me when I gave credit to the artist. All right now, so Ill download in a few hours to compare it with scorpion ranch. Whichevers better will win a stay on my harddrive.

    Yay! Oh, and the video shows the map better than the pics. The chopper driving down the middle was epic!
    #2 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 7, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2009
  3. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    Design = Fantastic
    Execution = not so good

    You have some great structures and ideas, it just needs to be forged a little smoother for it to be a fantastic map overall. Good map nonetheless.
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This reminds me of Eighty Grit. I love it:
    `the highway-like feeling of the center walkway
    `the asymmetric gameplay
    `the vehicle-friendly environment
    `the base design

    are so amazing. This is a definite download due to the fact that this will most likely end up in matchmaking
  5. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    Knarly, you really put a shitload of work into this, especially considering that you had to rebuild it. And even though the forging has a few spots that could benefit from being touched-up, this is a really great map. The gameplay, especially during objective games, is very good and the layout is like nothing you usually see in main-level Sandbox maps.

    Seriously, knarly, good job.
  6. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys, appreciate the comments.

    Concerning some of the areas that need touching up - I did some more work since our last test Lippy, so at least some of the areas you are referring to are better.

    As for any sloppy forging, what little there is of it is I am unable to better because I have ran out of items to brace and every other item being used on the map is interlocked with something. On top of that, I have been forging on this map for a little over 3 months along with testing. I needed a break lol.

    Also, I would love to see this is in match-making but the fact is, its maxed out glitch wise and I've gone so far over budget I should be calling an accountant ( sorry for the bad joke ).
    #6 oh knarly, Sep 7, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  7. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks great man, I'm going to dl when I get back home later but one question. Does the map actually flash like in the video? I ask because that could make me annoyed if it does.
  8. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ... WOW! knarly, this map looks like it could produce some totally epic battles and games. its pretty much perfectly forged... looks well balanced and fun to play... the buildings look a little like something of sandtrap (dont ask they just remind me of it) but a definite Dl fro me and a permanent spot on my hard drive.
    it looks like it should belong on matchmaking for the amount of effort you put in and the quality of the map!
    #8 JoshRicks, Sep 7, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2009
  9. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Salutes to you! This map looks fantastic and fun! I can only imagine how frustrated you were while during construction! Design 9.5/10, Crafting 8.5/10, Gameplay 9.5/10. Epic map overall! (overall 9.5/10)

    The only useless thing was that the bridge ended all the way in the sand, and I don't think that you will travel that far in-game, another entry point to the bridge would be nice. So best of luck with the downloads!
  10. 0 JEFF 0

    0 JEFF 0 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy.. this map in my opinion is favorites worthy, it is wonderfully playable and it is amazingly made.
  11. General Gilliam

    General Gilliam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Damn,nice job man. This map has great playability and the design is very unique. The only thing that's a little off on it is how far the bridge extends. In a real match, you usually wouldn't go that far out of the map.
  12. Striker 29

    Striker 29 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    More BTB inspired maps are always a great thing to have.
  13. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    With regards to the bridge, I have placed camo, a trip mine and a carbine under the arches which should draw some people there ( i love trip mining hogs whilst invis ). Also, it provides a way upto the main bridges if your stuck out there.

    Can't remember who asked but no, the map does not flash like it does in the video in custom games. It only does that forge and theatre, as aparently they use more textures than custom games.

    Thanks for all the comments and downloads, it makes the hard work worth it.
    #13 oh knarly, Sep 8, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2009
  14. Chicago Jagwire

    Chicago Jagwire Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks very cool, I'll DL soon as I get my Xbox back from its RRoD
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah, that explains the flickering that I see in the video. Budget glitching maps on Sandbox can make for some pretty bad games for people with off-host connections. I've played a couple big team maps that have been glitched, and everyone in my party complained about the object flickering. Once you get over the forge burnout (which I'm currently in the middle of), you might want to reassess your design and see if there's anything that you could do without for ATLAS submission. I'll have a download and will try and get some games on it this weekend. If I do I'll be back with some actual criticisms of the map.
  16. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Turns out the flickering only happens in game when you are high in the dunes behind the red base, which is a rare occurence.

    As for reassessing my map for ATLAS submission, it would be too hard to distinguish between stuctures that are necessary and stuctures that are not. I would pretty much have to rebuiled the entire map and having already done that once, I don't wish to do it again.

    Its a shame because I'm certain it would provide for some epic battles in match-making but hey.. what can you do? I urge people to download it and try it out for themselves (with friends of course).

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