i wanna know too, lets ask ak1knight, he has heaps of mad gimp junk but first i would try deviant art
Fonts for gimp? All I know is how to put fonts in photoshop, but I assume its the same thing for gimp. Try downloading some from dafont.com then put them in your font directory.
http://www.dafont.com/ Download them to anywhere in your computer. Open your control panel, then go to fonts. Go to File>Install Font, and then locate the folder where you saved your font and install it. In the fonts list on gimp, there should be a refresh button. Click on that, and your new font should be there.
Yep... I have tons of fonts. One of my favorite ones, though, was made by me using 30 day trial software. It took time, but it was made using my dad's handwriting. It looks sweet, so if you want that, I will try to find a link.