(Sticky) Halo CE/Halo 2 Remake Database

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Maps' started by voodoo, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. DaCeased807

    DaCeased807 Ancient
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    You totally butchered Ivory Tower, the original was better.

    Thanks for adding my map to the list, though.
  2. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
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    The guy told me he only fixed the gametypes for the map. What did he mess up?

    And thanks Lance.
  3. DaCeased807

    DaCeased807 Ancient
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    Deleted barriers and added flat doors, ended up removing a bunch of stuff I thought was necessary to spawn unnecessary weapons. That kind of thing. I didn't know the gametypes were messed up, and if they are I'd be happy to go in and fix them.

    Turf and Warlock are almost finished also. Need to find some testers for Turf at some point. (And I'm pretty sure mine's better than the Asphalt one.)
  4. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
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    I'll go with your word and update the list again back to your original one
  5. I Am Legend

    I Am Legend Ancient
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    These are great so there is no hassle to find good remakes, thanks voodoo.
  6. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
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    I updated Desolation and Rat Race and separated Longest and Elongation and Wizard and Warlock and I also updated Boarding Action.

    Also, I'm not that happy with the Midship remakes I've played. Does anyone know any real good ones?
  7. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
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    Another update, I added Burial Mounds, updated Sidewinder, Midship, Wizard, and Gemini.
  8. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Voodoo I think you should use cerastes even though it isn't an exact copy. Also if you are looking for a good midship one guy made a very detailed actually circular one. I have one in my file share that I didnt publish along with a sanctuary because they are other peoples but I made them more accurated but didnt want to take credit for.

    The only thing is the guy had a sniper, 4 carbines and BRs, and the map is a little larger and "squarer". I liked how it affected the game since I never liked how midship had hardly any long range, and now it touches on all fields of halo. Outside of weapon placement, fortified so you can't get out, nades, and fixed spawns the only change I made was the center which now looks like old midship.

    Edit: I just saw the update
  9. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
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    I just checked them out, and the ones I have are better. sorry.
  10. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Its cool I hardly put any effort into it; it wasn't really mines anyways. I was just trying to help the cause. I will check them out I am betting it is the midship I was talking about. I am content with my larger midship because I was never a fan of the original. I would consider adding cerastes and foundration even though they aren't replicas.
  11. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    I made a Midship that took over 30 hours, I am an artist, and perfectionist. Im 25 going to school for furniture design witch means you have to be meticulous and a perfectionist, that I am. here is the link to it and a link to some pics. first time here, am I doing this right, please forgive me if I am doing this wrong or posting in the wrong place, but check it out.
    Link to thread at bungie
    Link to picture slideshow
    saw you said you needed a Midship. I promise this is it. Check the thread to see explaining of the map.
  12. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    That may be the best Midship ever...so accurate :)
  13. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    That is the one I was talking about
  14. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    I think it is by far, it is the right size and shape, not to mention it looks amazing and structured like a fort and every area has themes really. set by what is used, Warlock is an easy remake, just finished a new map that I plan on posting, after I do that I will make THE warlock for you guys as well, you can expect the same detail and polished effects and design elements found in my midship I promise. Thanks, that makes me feel so good that I jump over here to this site and people are talking about my map as well. Thank you, It is a good feeling...
  15. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Yeah bro you deserve it, the only thing I don't like about your map is the shotty spawn isnt very accurate with the things around it but I am guessing that is a money constraint. Also, on the bottom floor you can't just walk around because you have to jump up to get over the ridges and what not, but you can't ask for much more or get much better unless bungie remade it themselves. That would be kind of rough for all these people that worked so hard on remakes to have bungie remake it themselves and no one would want to play a foundry midship when they could play an H3 Midship. Keep up the good work and since Warlock is so easy it is going to be hard to top this map <------ (url)because he is on his 4th update with spawn points the exact same as H2.
  16. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
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    I don't see why every one likes that map? In my opinion it is terrible and impossible to walk because you keep bumping into the floor or have to jump. The one that I already have is better.
  17. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    Here is a link to everything...
    I posted this on my thread on bungie, I will do so here, this is what I said...

  18. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure everyone here knew my gamertag was ninni21...it's nothing secret. And I am not friends with anyone on this list. I may have sent them a friend request because I fixed their maps, but that is it. This isnt a fake list, every single remake on here is the best that I have played for that respective map. And I don't have a fake account, I only have one account here and one account on Bungie.net, just because they are different names doesn't mean I am hiding anything. Just because I don't think your map is the best doesn't mean I am friends with anyone, it's just how I feel. The map I have just looks alot better.
  19. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    You need to cool out dude, is it so absurd that he has two different names. If you have every tried downloading his maps you would see it takes you to a bungie name ninni, no fake name its not like he uses both ninni and voodoo on both sites to bump. You also come out trying to appear as this nice guy but then when someone makes a constructive comment about a concern on your map you freak out. You can't go around telling everyone your map is the best and everyone elses look like a lego junkyard? and not expect for some people to disagree with you. You say your map is the best by far and voodoo gives you one HE thinks is better and you consider him promoting for a map that isn't his. Yes, its not good to advertise maps in threads but when you come out with an ego like you have you really have it coming for you. You need to take this a little less seriously; you keep calling other map makers children but you are handling this situation pretty childish and if you care so much about design you might want to take more time with your furniture designing? and less with the games.

    Your map may resemble midship the most but the gameplay is most certainly not "the best", especially with the choppy "bowl" that you completely butchered with the shotgun spawn. You have a pretty solid map, I will give you that, but it is not near as good as you make it out to be.
  20. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Agreed. I haven't seen any evidence to show that voodoo is doing anything wrong. Also, voodoo has been here a long time, and we all like him. You, however, only have 3 posts. I'd be more careful before you come in and start a flame war with little to no evidence.

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