Unless there are any needed improvements, this is the final copy of the tag wall. If you didn't notice, i have created a Forgehub Deviantart account where we can upload group tag walls and resources. let's use it well. I am posting this tonight, and tomorrow at some point i will check back on this thread. if nobody notices anything that i missed.. maybe a deviantart link or something, i will upload it to our Forgehub Deviantart account. (oh and btw, im not gonna be the only one with the deviantart acc's password. i will give it to others.) Look at that monster!
Ah, very nice! It turned out great! I hope we have more projects like this in the future. Nice work Knight.
Looks awesome. J4M's and Kid's should get awards. I also think this should be featured on the main page. Oh, nice DA account by the way, what are we going to put on the fh.da.com? SOTW winners?
Really cool, but the anvils in the background ruin some of the sigs :[. Look at Lock's masterpiece, you can't really see his smudgy goodness. And I spy something in the bottom left. Other than that It's really cool, we should do more of these.
Right at the very bottom left, there's the top of a signature sitting there. Also, the reflection after the last sig doesn't look great, in my opinion. All three tags in the reflection are of different distance yet look like they have the same opacity, it just looks a bit off.
This might get featured if it had something to do with the community.. maybe we gave them away or something.. anyways for the dA account, im thinking we put resources, tag walls, wallpapers, tutorials, or anything to do with FH. also, im thinking we could put the SOTW winners in the journals. alright, i will lower the opacity.. i just dont want any ripping on my fault. you still have till tonight to submit! i hope we do, i really love our community here shoot missed that, il fix that when i put all the rest of stuff in here Again, thanks guys, i had a lot of fun with this, and i hope we can do more of these! maybe if we create things like official FH wallpapers we can start getting featured on the FH homepage!
Hey this looks amazing. Very clean looking. If your adding to it. Feel free to add my new one (in my sig now vvvvv.) If this is the final don't worry about it. Great job though.
ok, il put yours in instead laxer. and im thinking about lightening the text because it is somewhat harder to read..
www.huntarrr.deviantart.com I'm pretty sure you already got it in tho. Just had to add my deviant art account