Verticality Created by padres1944 With a lot of help from MisterRemy(IIRemy) Supported Gametypes: Conquest v3, Conquest Map Description Verticality is a standard Conquest map in a sort of M shape. It has 7 territories and a large amount of vertical change(hence the name). Weapons: Brute Shot x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Spike Grenade x4 SMG x2 BR x2 Spiker x2 Needler x2 Update: New version(same DL link) has a few areas smoothed out and bumps covered. No other changes. Update 2: Newer version features sunken territory flags and horizontal slats by the second territory instead of vertical to promote movement instead of camping. Overview. Spawn(all screenshots of red side mirrored on blue side. First territory is both sets of ramps with BR, Brute Shot, Plasma Rifle, and Spike grenades. Second territory with view of opposing second territory with Spiker, SMG, and Needler. Third territory is the ramp down to the center territory. Center territory is bottom of this area(cannot be contested from atop colored pillars). Overview of center territory and territories leading down. Thank you to IIRemy especially for helping with a bunch of the forging, and to all of the people who helped me test it. Also, this is my first Conquest map, so cut me a bit of slack if it isn't perfect. Download Verticality Download Conquest v3
Excellent! We've been in need of more "vertical" Conquest maps. I see you provided the link to Conquest v3. Do you prefer this version over v4? I like the layout and think you did a great job on weapon choice as well. The only weapon I would discourage in Conquest is the needler. There is no rule against it but needlers tend to encourage players to backpedal, which is the opposite of the "push forward" gameplay so commonly found it Conquest. But some maps have pulled it off so maybe it works here. I like the elevation change a lot and think you made good use of it. Most Conquest maps have little to no elevation change so think is great. I noticed that you have an open wall slit in the map though. Its not a big deal, but I prefer Conquest maps without the option to attack enemies from multiple points along the path. I also noticed that you have three starting points placed on the map. Once again, not a problem but you really only need one. It looks like you did a great job on the territories as well. I was a bit surprised to see this Conquest map posted because I have never seen or heard of it before (people usually have me help them with their maps or at least check them out before they post them). I'm going to download for a forge through and if all seems well, I'll run some tests. I'm looking for the best Conquest maps to include in our selection for getting Conquest in Matchmaking Obviously, you enjoy Conquest. Would you support it entering Matchmaking? If so, here is a thread you might be interested in! Once again, great work. I'll check it out!
That's exactly what prompted me to make it. Most Conquest maps I've played don't have much vertical change, so I decided to make one. Granted, most of the vertical change is out of the way, but there is still some there, enough to affect the gameplay. Hope you guys like it! I haven't played much of v4 yet, so I went with the link to v3. Once I get some more playtime with v4, I'll decide which I like better. About the Needler, I think it works somewhat well in this case. Where they are placed there is not a long, straight hallway to allow for the quick stacked explosions customary to it, it is near the center territory where there are a lot of close quarters turns, so it makes it tougher to use. If you are planning on doing the forge through right now, I'm online if you want me to show you around the map myself.
Ah great placement. That is usually how to make a needler work in Conquest. I'm glad you thought that out!
I actually really like this map. I normally don't like Conquest maps. But I actually had a great time playing this one. Another great map, padres!
i've never seen a vertical conquest map, but this one sure makes a good one to start on. I like the m shape, most shapes are in S or Z forms, again the needler to me is annoying and i wish it was taken out of conquest. About the territories if you wanted to, you could merge the territories in a bit lower for a better look, although this entirely up to you. anyways congratulations on your post, im glad to see that people still love conquest.
Nice conquest map. The geometry of the map is welly made due to vertical advantage. I didn't know neutral power weapons were allowed in conquest because it would give another team the upper-hand from the other, but I guess this proved me wrong. Nice to see some more Conquest maps on ForgeHub!!
Neutral power weapons? As far as I know(and I made the map), there aren't any. What were you talking about?
Finally, a conquest map that has a lot a z-fighting... wait... Anyway, this map looks like it has amazing layout, and would easily be featured if it werent for several problems. The first problem is in your pictures, notably the one with the red and blue columns, there is quite a bit of evident sloppiness. This generally causes problems with nades, and people are less likely to go 'OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!' when its sloppy. Also, some of the walkways are WAAAAY too small. They definately look like it would be so easy to just sit with a sniper and 2 for 1 the entire opposing team as the tried to walk down one of the many long hallways. Make it neater,and maybe wider, and you have yourself an amazing map.
Well, the hole between the inner red column and the inner blue column is supposed to be there. Its by design and is supposed to force you to watch where you throw grenades, although there are only spike grenades, so it is not as much of an issue as it would be with frags. Also, there is no sniper on the map, so that is also not a problem. Conquest maps are supposed to be thin like this, and if you had played on it, you would see it is fine. I suspect you did not read any of what I wrote, and only looked at the pictures. Otherwise, you would have known that the problems you suggested were negated by either design or the gametype. As for a bit more general tidying, I plan on working that out. But most of the bumps you see don't affect you when you walk over them and are purely aesthetic glitches. EDIT: Update smooths some places over and covers some bumps.
I had tons of fun of this map. I'm a huge fan of Flag rally, but never played Conquest before, this was a fun experience. I'm a brute shot ***** As for the needler, it wasn't a big problem IMO. As for the slit in the war, I dislike it personally. Off topic I wouldn't mind playing some conquest maps, Send my Gamertag a message B5D Heyy You
After more testing, I agree. I've decided to turn the slit horizontal instead of vertical in hopes that it becomes more of just a viewpoint and maybe a lucky grenade stick and less of a "camp here and shoot the enemy as they come around the corner" spot. We'll see how it works out.
Oh yeah. This started out as a really good idea and turned into an even better map. I remeber the whole point of it was to make it more multi-leveled than other conquest maps, yes? Well this map doesn't dissapoint in that aspect. Also, another thing i'd like to point out is that the light placement is 100% perfect. It's not too flashy and it's not too subtle, great job on that BTW. Though I haven't play tested it, I can tell just by looking at the layout/weapon placement that it'll work out.
Great map. Really smooth and fun in Gamenights and such. Best conquest map I've played so far. Keep up the good work. :]
This looks like an interesting take on the classic Conquest map style, using different elevations in the map. Also, I'm not sure how well the window between the second territories would work out, but I could see it being a great addition if it's just used for watching as opposed to random shooting and grenade spam.
Wow, really nice map. Play excellent. I love the play style and the verticle changes through out the map! Hope to see more from you!