After basically trying to get a stick the whole game, I am finally successful. YouTube - Godly Stick Comment.
Pretty cool, but not utterly amazing. Try getting two in a row, then you've got something to work with.
agreed ^^^^ Its good, but not great. Would have been great if you followed the sticky, instead of that blue guy. lol
That would really depend on whether or not he was really trying to make this for show or whether he was just trying to get a kill. Nice stick, I SUCK at sticking. I can't get one to save my life! Ha ha, so nice job. =D
1. There are 5 plasma grenades on your side alone on Standoff, achieving a long range stick is easiest on this level by far. Anybody can achieve one if they spend a game trying to do so. 2. You admitted that you wasted the game trying to get a stick. Clips aren't clips unless you didn't go out of your way trying to achieve them. These are supposed to be spontaneous moments where you think 'wow' not 'finally! i'v been trying all game..' 3. You threw 2 grenades. Anybody with a bit of experience with long range sticks would know that it looks much prettier if you throw one grenade, and get one stick. You should be throwing them 1 at a time and waiting. 4. If the stick was godly, it would be perceived as divine and flawless. I have pointed out flaws, so it is not godly. Your title is blasphemous.
lol some serious analysis there but agreed this is one of the most commen long range sticks to get now just like the valhalla man cannon, try to be creative and try something new or just show a clip of you getting a random lucky stick not one you tried to get