so today I forged a CTF map on Sandbox, in the skybox. I want it to work for one flag variants, but it wont work for me/I'm doing something wrong. First of all, its impossible to test it, because if you are playing alone, you will always be on defense. even if you switch to the blue team, which is by default the attackers. second, do i put down one flag spawn, or two? (i.e. Do I have a flag spawn for attackers and defenders? or just attackers? or just defenders?) also, one flag return point or two? whenever I try to put one flag spawn, the game automatically spawns one down on the main floor, right in the center. this is where the flag spawns in custom games. can anybody help me out?
Every map must have at least one of each objective item. For CTF this means 2 flag spawns (1 for attackers, 1 for defenders) and 2 flag return points (again, 1 for each team). In a 1 Flag game, the defender's flag spawn and the attacker's flag return point will be used but you still need to put the other objective items down in forge.
He didnt mention that a neutral flag doesnt count for anything. It doesnt matter how man yyou have, you still need an attackers and defenders flag spawn point, and flag capture point.