Created by: Adelyss Deep-Space Anomaly #0198 After such success of my previous remake Prism Block and my urge to once again create another Halo CE remake I set foot on Derelict for what felt like ages. Bringing back memories of the good old Halo CE days. I'd have to say this remake is even closer in scale that Prism Block was, even right down to the lighting effects it had. Sadly dude to the item limit and item supplied on Sandbox I was not able to create all of the little *Broken walls* everywhere on the map like it did but rather I got in about five of the important ones. Also in the middle structure the ramps leading up to it on the corners I had to make a slight adjustment for it to look/play good. I added geomerged block talls instead of trying to round the corners and make it look bad and bumpy. For those of you who are thinking wait what! wheres the lifts! Well they are not there because this is Derelict from Halo CE and not Desolation from Halo 2. Unlike Prism Block I decided to go straight for the original weapon layout with no extra weapons added. The only slight changes I made to it were swapping Halo CE magnums for BR's and switching the AR in one of the bases for a shotgun so each base had a shotgun. This map took me maybe two months? I've had this map done though for a good three to four weeks but being me I am lazy on the testing of my maps so I finally got around to it the past few weeks and here it is Derelict. This map is to be played with 3v3 teams or 6 person FFA tops. I didn't test 4v4's so they may work or they may not. All game types are supported on this map so what ever floats your boat go ahead. Here is a rendered bungie video of me flying around the map. [bungievid]92859744[/bungievid] 4x BR, 2 Clips, 30 Seconds 2x Shotgun, 0 Clips, 150 Seconds 2x Needler, 2 Clips, 60 Seconds 1x Rocket, 1 Clip, 150 Seconds 1x Sniper, 2 Clips, 150 Seconds 4x Plasma Grenades, 20 Seconds 4x Frag Grenades. 10 Seconds 1x Overshield, 150 Seconds 1x Active Camo, 150 Seconds 1x Regen, 150 Seconds Overview of Derelict Overview of Sniper Side Overview of Camo Side Top Camo Side/Camo Tele Top Sniper Side/Sniper Tele Top Mid/Overshield Needler Tunnel Bottom Mid/Regen Looking at one of the bases in the background One of the broken walls I was talking about One of the bases If you missed my Prisoner Remake here is the thread Thanks for looking/Downloading stay tuned for another one of my maps posted after I test it.
Oh goodenss I love this remake! Its incredibly accurate and plays just like the CE verison. I love the lighting on this map. It gives it such a cool atmosphere. I still have your older verison on my HD but i'll switch it out for this one now. The only thing i dont like about this map, and this isn't your fault, is the lack of ways to reach the top level. I think Bungie did a grat job on Desolation because they added mancannons to reach the higher levels and got rid of the teleporters. But the map plays really well nonetheless. Great work, Adyless. An excellent remake!
Wow this is really amazing, it looks so perfect. I have pretty much all the remakes made (well the ones that were good) on my hd and this one is definitely going too. Great job man
Damn impressive. Remember the great days on this map... Oh man. Well you did pull this off very well. I didn't read all of your description but Ill assume this map is Unbreakable unless a person stands on top of another. I like the fact that everything is accurate, I appreticate these sorts of maps and give you a big thanks for making this. I will check out your prisioner thread (I was going to remake that but I was too lazy). Great job, definite download in the near future.
Superb remake adelyss, absolutely spot on with everything. I did, however, have one problem when playing. There are some areas, especially the rocket launcher tunnel, which are almost pitch black. I don't mind certain atmospheric creating effects but the lack of any light in those areas just made it unplayable. A couple of blue lights merged into the blocks would sort the problem easily. Aside from that, I congratulate you on a near perfect remake of a fantastic map. I'll be keeping this on my HD for a while, I'm sure.
An amazing remake that really captures the essence and details of derelict. I've been waiting for this to be finished and I'm excited that someone else out there appreciates the subtle details of remakes as much as I do. I'm sure people are going to love this as much if not more than prism block. I have some concerns about the gameplay as halo 1 had a much different play style making it much more important to get up top and stay up top. Whereas in halo 3 maneuverability is crucial and derelict only has a few ways to get up to the top. I look forward to playing on this and seeing if my assumptions are correct, but either way the accuracy of this remake is astounding. Perhaps remaking desolation might fit more appropriately with the halo 3 gameplay but I was never a big fan of that map and derelict I always thought was more fun. I can't see any reason why this map won't play great it might just be confusing for people who haven't played the original to make it on top. The lighting is amazing. I love the use of juicy and colorblind as it's not obtrusive and greatly compliments the maps feel. It's a shame that you had to budget glitch it for it to be perfect as this would be a straight runner for matchmaking. Edit: My assumptions were wrong. The map movement is perfect as the spawns help push players up top the minimal routes is far less noticeable. And as the top has very little cover players don't spend much time up there anyways. Absolutely amazing remake in all regards. Perhaps we should team up on another remake in the future.
We had a 3 hour testing session on this map i seem to remember, everything actually played pretty good, from infection to territories. I guess i should be pointing out how amazingly similar it is to the halo CE map, but seeing how i never played halo CE i can't really so the design is good and it plays well. For a map with minimal cover they're set up all right and the weapons are good. Overall, 8/10.
This is the most accurate Derelict remake so far it looks just like it with the dark blue lighting that was unique to Halo 1 forrunner maps. This map plays great for flag ralley ,CTF , or Slayer games. Its good for medieum sized parties and small parties as well. After testing this for a few weeks in a row I got a good feel for it and I really liked that you added some more cover which deffinatley helped out gameplay. Its a great map and remake good work Adelyss :].
I watched the Fly-Through and it seems you did a really nice job. I'll try some games on it when I can, but good job man. The problem with this "Derelict" though (not your specific map) is that it is very one dimensional. What I mean by that is in Halo: CE whoever had top it just became the person who had top nearly always won. I in fact just had a Lan Party the other day and we played CE quite a bit and that was still the case. Did you still notice this when testing? If you did, do you think there is anyway to tweak it so it is a little more balanced? Anyway, I'll be showing this to some of my friends.
I was just about to say "This map is unoriginal, there are too many copies of Derelict out already," when I saw your pictures. Somehow, every remake trumps the last one, and yours contiues this trend. You found a way to make things that some people deemed impossible to do with remakes, and did them. I love it, and your forging skill are really great. One problem; You spawns need work. (lol)
Great map remake and geomerging, but one problem I see, is that it looks like you can double jump out of the map. Maybe im wrong but idk
Epic job! I was looking HARD in the video how to escape, and the best I could come up with is jumping on someone's head, you jump, they jump, and you crouch jump over the map, but even then... Great job with this map! The crafting is great, and the lighting is perfect!
Lol fail. This remake looks very promising. I can see myself already playing some FFA on this. The layout looks very well planned as well. I agree with Gunnergrunt, there are quite a few amount of ways to get to the top floor of the map. This may be a big problem, but I am going to see how it will affect the gameplay once I play here. I don't really like dark maps, so the I am going to have to say that the lighting here isn't working for me. I know the limit is too lights per color, but I'm just saying. Nice job.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments but I'd just like to say one thing for all of you who mentioned it. 1. The map as a controlling point, its meant to be like that as the way bungie intended it to be. Derelict has a MLG feel to it where a team can lock the map down by holding the top. If you are afraid of the top being to controlling put BR starts and you'll be able to take down those pesks up top. 2. Break ability yes you can double jump out but let me explain something. The map has four layers of items. Each side has about 3 items and there are 8 sides. Thats 96 items just for the outside. Trust me this map seems small and that I should of had more items but in honesty I wouldn't because of how much is used to just make it accurate. Play the map right and don't double jump if people are doing it boot them, its what its there for ;P Anyway Death you mentioned the spawns? I've played a good 30-40 games on it...never once has a problem with the spawns in 3v3 or 6 person FFA. What gametype and how many people when this happened?
This map has always made me think of wizard/warlock gameplay wise and I have always loved it just as much. Very accurate remake, sad that we will never be able to emulate the sheer sense of size that Combat Evolved envoked.
Well I would suggest getting this version as I tweaked some stuff. I wish I would of held off on creating this until I got Halo 2 but yeah I didn't so else I would have made desolation considering it would convert to Halo 3 easier. Well thank you for these words Well then may I suggest not playing on darker or turn up your TV brightness? Because I play on Higher and I've switched it to normal to check and you can still see in the tunnels quite fine. But thank you for the comment.
Amazing remake, again. You did an amazing job with your Prisoner remake, and this one is just as good. Great job.
"Well I would suggest getting this version as I tweaked some stuff. I wish I would of held off on creating this until I got Halo 2 but yeah I didn't so else I would have made desolation considering it would convert to Halo 3 easier." Damn it, I have been waiting for a Desolation remake since Sandbox was released
I'll start by saying its a fantastic remake m8, very very well done and i can tell you put a lot of hard work and time into this, so again well done and I'm DL for sure.