My Zumbi Good O

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by IKL Dead Man, Apr 13, 2008.

  1. IKL Dead Man

    IKL Dead Man Ancient
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    My Zumbi Good O
    Military set off to find out why a weapons reasearch facility shutdown unexpecedly.
    Made by:IKL Dead Man
    Download Map
    Download Gametype
    Number of players recomended: 7-16
    Spoilers Below:
    First you spawn in a small playing area where you are forced to use the weapons given to you in the truck and the pistol you spawn with.[​IMG]
    The weapons are 2 BR's, 1 sniper, 1 shotgun, and 1 AR. The zombies spawn on the other side of the room.[​IMG]
    After time passes, a set of stairs spawn so you can get past the big wall into the other part of the map. 30 seconds after this set of stairs a second set closer to the humans will spawn.[​IMG]
    Then you go to the first right for some weapons and the second right for the 2 armorys.[​IMG]
    After that go defend before the 2 armorys and have fun![​IMG]
    Human armory
    Covenat armory
  2. nullstar

    nullstar Ancient
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    sweet i like the truck crashing through the gate, lol
  3. IKL Dead Man

    IKL Dead Man Ancient
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  4. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
    Senior Member

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    well designed map i had alot of fun playing this map with you ill be d/ling it to my collection

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