Great to see them vid3o, the aesthetics look great, and as far as realistic to halo they are. I loved them in WaW, I think I'll love them here. Zentrifuge is also a nice touch, you know something we don't? I'll download and check them out.
Wow, amazing! Wish there were a few more pictures but from the looks of it they all look neat. Also, soda machines? XD Downloading all 3 maps and gametype, can't wait to try it out!
Yes awesome, you released this it looks so amazing man, best spin off's by the looks of them. This is goin on my hd. This plus the exact remakes will make for some fun zombie nights.
Man I love your posts because they aren't your average paragraphs and pictures. Please tell me how you do that! Besides my needs, the maps look good from the prespective of your pics. I'll download and give it a quick lookie gameplay wise.
I like the Der riese remake i played it today but i think its a little bit to crampy ( small ) but good job on it 4.5/5
I saw the preview for this and have been looking forward to it, you have a definate download from me, i'll edit my reviews into this post once I've played them.
wow this map pack is really sad, i havent even dowbnloaded it, and i already know it sucks wee wees. P.S. ur a ***, u thinks your cool and good at makin maps but ur not,