As iv'e played Halo 3, trust me, iv'e seen alot of **** Zombie maps. Now clearly **** Zombies is fun in CoD WaW, but Halo just can't replicate it, so I ask, why don't we take this idea we call **** Zombies, and spruce it up, HALO STYLE. Iv'e had this idea for quite some time so no Flaming me for: "StEaLzin MiNeZz IDea!!!!@@@!" We already have a form of Zombies on Halo 3: Flood. Why not make a **** Zombie Map using flood as your zombies. And maybe not call it **** Zombies, maybe Flood Invasion, yeah, that sounds 'bout right. The Gametype used for standard **** Zombies would have to be tweaked to resemble standard health for flood and a spartan. It would be like fighting flood on Normal Difficulty in Campaign, you can hold them off together, but alone your a sitting duck. I say keep the concept of the whole, "climbing through windows" thing but the random box might have to be scrapped... Map Example: On the map Im making, flood spawn on a giant cat walk in the skybubble, and they choose the weapons they want and move on to the telepoter to be transported to ground level. Depending on wich cat walk you spawn on, will determine what breed of flood you are. The more powerful the breed of flood is, the less spawn points, that cat walk will have, get my drift?(probably confusing you) Cat walk 1(Infected human): 5 Respawn points, BR X3, AR X3, RocketX1, SMG X4, Pistol X4 Cat walk 2(Infected Elite): 4 respawn points, Carbine X4, Plasma Rifle X4, Sword X1, Fuel Rod X1, Overshield X1 Cat walk 3(Pure tank Form) 1 Respawn point, Custom Power Up(1000x ressistant)X1 Cat walk 4(infected brute): 5 respawn points, Grav Hammer X1, Spiker X6, Brute Shot X3 ***Yes, I know there are Pure flood stalker forms, but they didn't do much anyways, right?*** Iv'e had very good feedback to this idea and now I'll try Q & A Q: What if the "flood" pick up grenades? A: I'm afraid theres really no way to prevent this, but to make it an honor rule not to throw grenades if your infected. Q: What will the humans start out with? A: They will start out with a basic magnum, and gather weapons as the flood progress. Q:What if Flood just get Rockets every time? A: Each weapon has a reasonable respawn time, from 10 sec, to 180 sec. Q: When will this map listed in the Map example come out? A:Soon my friend, soon. Some needed ideas are welcome, so don't be shy to speak your Opinion. Leave **** Zombies to CoD and Flood to Halo, we can make it happen!
I like it. Of course, all the stats would be tweaked, but I like it. I know what you mean by the various spawns, and yeah..
Dude, this is an amazing idea. And it looks epic. I totally cant wait for an offical preview, with pictures and everything. If this looks as good as it sounds, this will definately be a better custom than most. I do have a question; Do the humans have weapons at start, do find them, or do they simply get them by looting undead corpses?
Seems like you found a way to make the classes work with Flood. But, how does the weapon pickup work? Respawn setting for a coupl;e seconds? If you allow Flood to pick up weapons all the time, you'll have to deal with nades, which are unfaithfull to the flood concept. All around, the flood are cool zombies because their guns and other strange powers discourage camping.
Go to advanced respawn traits and set the respawn traits to Duration: 3 seconds and Weapon Pickup: On This gives the zombies 3 seconds to pick up the equipment they spawn with. I used this trick in my L4D level (COMING SOON!).
My CPU is already being used. And Teles can be camped very easily. And I brought up the weapon pickup issue already. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how both of our ideas play out...
Oh I guess I'll try that, but wouldn't that also make where humans can't pick up weapons as well... BTW I'm using your OLN map, I love it!
this sounds like a really fun idea. There are similar game types like the Left 4 Dead one and NotofThisWorld, but your concept is really cool.
I might have a solution to your problem with the infected picking up the nades but im not sure if it will work. You could make the infected spawn on a custom powerup. Now assuming you can do this in the custom p settings make the infected not able to pick up weapons or nades at the start but when you take the custom powerup it allows you to pick up weapons for the first 20 seconds or so. Youd have to make a way for all infected to walk through the CP. You could make a smaall tunnel between the span area and the catwaalk whhere you pick up the weapons. Hope this helped.