Has anyone seen it? I just watched it. I remember watching the trailer a few months back and thinking it looked terrible. However i thought the film was very good. The plot is obviously a bit shaky, but i think for a high-concept film, it does have a lot of artistic elements, including a top notch soundtrack. There are some scenes that i found quite unnerving (possibly due to watching it late at night in the dark on my own..), and the soundtrack helped build on that. It sort of came across to me as what 'The Happening' should have ended up like.
The failplot of this movie is yet another reason why I dislike Nicholas Cage movies. Especially the ending. I can imagine the script writer's mind. "Huh, let's just throw this **** about trees and aliens and rabbits into the last scene, and the audience will think we're using 'symbolism'."
I thought it was amazing. Acting great, plot chilling, special effects amazing, ect. But the ending spoiled all that for me cause it was just so dumb. It was like the producer took a hit of acid and read the Bible. But over all if you stop it 10 minutes before the real ending it is amazing.
It was unnerving to me to Matty considering I watched it under the same circumstance. The party I was scared of the most was when they went to the trailer in the woods. Seriously though, who visits a trailer in the woods at NIGHT to solve some creepy mystery. Why not the day!?!
Is it just me that thinks horrors involving realistic and natural disasters can be scarier than unrealistic ones? Especially when the plot is built around a phsyco. Just that scene in the trailer is so twisted and unsettling. I loved it. And yea, the aliens at the end sucked. I would have much rather watched the entire planet burn to the sound of orchestraic music than some 'adam and eve' aproach.
My mom and I saw it when it was still in theaters. I did enjoy it, even the ending though I saw it coming. We still debate it. She thinks that they were actualy angle and finds it odd that they'd use space ships and I think it is actually aliens. I dunno. I still stand by that they are aliens. And, about horror movies, I'm of the same mind as you Matty. The more realistic stuff freaks me out more that the outragous.
I ****ing hated the movie to be honest. The CGI and Special FX and **** were cool but the plot sucked a fatty.
Yeah, cool effects and stuff. Plot=poobag If you think about, the movies talking about Christianity...or not.
I agree. A good scary movie is like Dawn of The Dead. Demented **** is scary a lot of the time, but torcher isn't. Like Saw isn't scary, it's just kinda gross.
I hated that movie. It was goodish until the weird white-haired people were aliens. Then it was just gay.
I agree with you on The Happening front, sort of. I watched it a few weeks ago. I thought the middle part of the film was quite boring, but the ending was good enough for me to still call it a good film. Overall I'd give it like a 5/10 because it wasn't bad, but it just... I dunno, I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head when you brought up the shaky plot.
I aint seen it yet. I felt the adverts looked good but i felt it looked like it was just like the movie next he was in, which had a terrible ending.
I watched it again with my brother. Yea it's really bad. CGI was okay the first time, awful the second. I just like the soundtrack.