Have Fun With This Map!!!! Make it through all 3 levels then try to snipe the drivers on the warthogs. ENJOY!!!! DOWNLOAD-->---->---> http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=92871469
The word Impostairable is ingenifunnious. Not kidding. Looks OK, but is the Crypt really as sloppy as I think it is? Whether it is sloppy or was meant to be sloppy, looks like fun.
It does seem a little sloppy but I dont think that was important to you was it? It looks like it would be fun to play maybe once but I dont really understand the whole shooting vehicles thing
???? Yo what does ingenifunnious mean? i an understand impossible and stair is impostairable but what is that????
well I wouldn't call anything in that post a proper discription, for the gameplay I say that the following would happen like all the time: -omg, this looks pretty epic -oh yeah up the staircase -now for some jogging -omg, legendary jump -charge the man-cannons!!! -OMG SWEET I made it, wait....., now what the F*** do I do? = sad face !!!!! that's all I can say.
You forged the stairway designs excellently, but everything else not so great... Overall this map looks painful to play, seriously. The only people who wouldn't quit are my BFF Xbox LIVE friends but they'd still send me hate mail.
It wouldn't hurt to explain your map in a much more detailed way would it? I kind of have a glimpse of its concept, but I don't have an exact view on what the gameplay is like. If you want your map to have more attention, then you are going to have to explain this map more. This really looks sloppy and I see no true effort at all. Work more on your map. Make it cleaner and add more structures.
Wow, I got a warning for posting, "No download link," and it contained this whole lecture of downloading the map, playing it, and then posting what I think, yet I couldn't download the map because there was "no download link." The TC only added it after I posted. So retarded As for the map, it was alright. The end was disappointing. A bunch of snipers to shoot people coming through the receiver? Uhh, lame. I would've preferred a CTF or bomb objective up there. Killing people as they're almost at the end would surely frustrate the hell out of them. The obstacles leading up to the end aren't challenging but do take a lot of time to complete, such as the spiraling staircases. Reaching the top just to be sniped would definitely piss me off and I'd want to play something else.
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