I Felt like making a random map, this is what I came up with... Don't be hating if u think the map sucks, whatever it took me like half an hour. If u like it, AWESOME!! DOWNLOAD--->--->--->--->http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=92838815
Welcome to Forge Hub, Unfortunately this post is not up to standards please use http://www.haloscreenshots.net or some photo-hosting site like photobucket or flikr. Your pictures will not work if you use bungie.net.
when you upload a photo to photobucket and link it to a site you must keep the picture in the photobucket account or pics will go bye bye as soon as you delete them from your account
yes please add a small description of what we are supposed to do. I mean I get the whole drive to the top part but please elaborate in your thread
It's quite obvious that you have to drive to the top... Honestly, this doesn't look very fun. Going around and around this thing can get pretty monotonous.
where is the community going these days, just please (not to be harsh (I'm forced to be so)) do not even post maps like these without game-type, the only thing this would be good for is that it'd be the ultimate driving challenge for your little 6 year old sister or something, jeez.....
Welcome to Forgehub! Here people will tell you how bad your map is! You can learn how to interlock effectively by clicking the "Forging 101" message on the home page!
This is the reason people will be hating. It doesnt look neat, it has very sharp corners and looks like the same thing over and over and over. This could lead it to be very boring sorry, but i dont feel like dling this
This map looks good but in my opinion looks are only half the track. In order to make it's good map I would suggest making the track smoother and more unique. Also, put down in your posts how many people should race at a time, a gametype , and a more descriptive background of the track. I know you said not to tell you that the track sucks (well kinda is bad but I've seen a lot of crap tracks, including some of mine, and this one is good for your first, it's better than my first) but we are just trying to help you. So use the feedback to your advatage and learn from it. O and btw . . . WELCOME TO FORGEHUB!!!!
Wow this post is gettin some hatred eh? Map is ok for first post. But walls are crooked, and the map looks messy and thrown together. It needs to be cleaned up, explained and probably expanded to have any chance of getting downloads.
this is what bothers me. a good map requires planning and time. if you just think up a random idea and build it in an hour and a half, then it is almost guaranteed to suck (no offense). I have four tips for you 1.learn everything in forging 101 and use it often 2.look through the other maps and try to see if yours can compare at all. don't expect to have the best, but try your best to meet the current average. 3.plan the map before you build. 4.put some real time into your map. forge it well, and test it a couple times.