They wouldn't have those because honor guards defend the prophets and High Charity (the covenant "planet/ship"). That's why they're called guards, they guard things.
After the schism (Pro-ODST/Pre-H3 Era) Brutes replaced Elites as honour guards. In Halo 3 at the Citadel there should have been brute honour guards. In ODST there should NOT be elite honour guards.
I think it would be s stupid idea because one, if it were flood on any mode they are hard to kill also they didn't get to earth till halo 3. Two, the rebels weren't mentioned at all in Halo CE, Halo 2, or Halo 3 so that would be weird to add them into this game. Three, in all the videos you've seen for firefight there has been not one Elite so I don't think they will be in it.
Wow lol. I would totally pay to see that. That would be funny to have a brute try to kill an odst with a big pointy stick. ROFL
Actually (assuming there would be elites) Elite Honor guards were guarding the prophet of truth, and he left New Mombasa, so wouldn't it be possible for some of them to be left behind? So maybe not a brute with a pike but an elite (assuming of course you get to fight them which i think would be sweet)
Yeah. They didn't show us Flood in Halo Wars, now did they? I also swear I saw a part in the E3 '09 Trailer that looked like the part where the Flood Ship crashed into Earth. It's likely something different, but it looked pretty close.
Fighting elites isn't any different from brutes other then weaponry and height. There's only a slight difference.
^^^ Don't forget skill and tactics. Their in-game AI is more advanced than others. Flood could come in. Maybe not. It's bungie's decision.
Oh and not to mention that they have recharging energy shields, energy swords and that alien badass factor that the brutes just don't seem to have
Exactly lol, they are a much tougher opponent than a brute is. But i am just saying how bad ass i will be to have to fight both of them. Brutes and Elites, forget the skulls man a Elite honor gaurd, and a brute cheiften would be so freaking hard to kill.
Actually brutes are a lot tougher considering they don't need shields and are still stronger than elites.
Yeah thats for sure, and also the hunter berserk is pretty lame as well. In halo ce and 2 they tried to smash you desperately, only on h3 legendary does a berserk hunter even pose a threat. If they do have the flood they better have alot of fire nades and flame throwers, and btw how would smacking them for health work. If they hit you your going to be almost dead and if you smack a carrier form they will explode a bunch of poppers on you.
I'm assuming you could just melee the Infection forms, it works in H3. Also, what idiot would melee a carrier? I also want the H2 Flood back where melees were useless.