Modding Halo CE is legal, first of all. In fact, Microsoft made a developer's edition for people who wanted it, to mod Halo for the PC (halo 1 only). Does anyone think that making and modding maps from halo give you ideas for maps for forge? I got a few ideas from some of the maps I made, like enclosed spaces for CQC and such. for those of you who dont own Halo: Custom Edition (Developers); here are some nice pics I took Endless possibilities, these are just a few of th awesomes. any requests?
lol, In the one I was playing on there, you can be a hunter, odst, any flood, sonix, and a scared marine. oh, and more.
Re: Modding Halo CE I made a map a while back. I never thought of making it in Foundry in Forge. Thanks for the idea. BTW, those pics in your post is Cold Snap, minus the snow and cold.
ROFLLOLMAOHAHHALOLROLFcopter you have no idea how hard i laughed when i read this reply *wipes away laughtears* and that looks kick ass OP, i wish i had Halo:CE, hopefully when i get my new compy for xmas, ill get it.
i want a picture of a lone elite/ or spartan, NO a grunt standing victoriously on a pile of debris/vehicles/dead bodies. ....... Of course holding a Plasma Pistol
Coldsnap was so fun. I loved driving the jet, huge spider thing, and Robot Guys. My personal favorite would have to be Area 53 and 54 though. Those were fun as hell. Halo: CE ftw.