CONSUMPTION 'These bases used to be one. war broke loose due to corruption' DOWNLOAD LINK : Halo 3 File Details WHERE THE IDEA CAME FROM I was looking at a remake of beaver creek (i didn't like it and will not name it or the creator) then i looked at isolation then i i started forging with a few ideas in my head changing it as i went along then 8 and half hours later i came up with this RECOMMENDED GAMETYPES Slayer, CTF (Capture the flag), Assault FORGING 101 Forging 101: [ ] __Floating Objects [ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT 4x Assault Rifle 4x Battle Rifle 4x Brute Spiker 2x S.M.G 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Rocket launcher 2x Regenerator 1x Ghost (vehicle for those who don't know =D) 8x Frag Grenade 8x Plasma Grenade PICS Sky View 1 Sky View 2 Red Base Outside View Red Base Inside View 1 Red Base Inside View 2 Red Base Gravity Lift Red Base top Half View 1 (gravity lift lead you up hear) Red Base top Half View 2 And yes this map is symmetrical so for people who are fussy about this sort of stuff (not including myself) Blue Base outside view Blue Base Inside View 1 Blue Base Inside View 2 Blue Base Gravity Lift Blue Base top half View 1 Blue Base top half View 2 Alright who's still with me here the bases you've seen them Now for the rest of the map (Finally) Ghost Spawn Sniper Spawn Rocket Spawn and yes it is in a kill ball and you don't die when you go in it Blue Side Small cover view 1 there is a small cover on each side blue side Small cover view 2 DOWNLOAD LINK AGAIN : Halo 3 File Details Well that's it if you want any of my other sandbox maps here they are Chronicle Vahki V2
very nice map. i've seen you around the posts, but i havent seen a map from you. This gives me a good impression the interlocking looks great and it looks like you took your time in this map, congrats. But questions: is it only half of the original crypt area? if it is then the ghost will not do. The ghost has little room room to move around, as i see in the pics. I mean you probably can manuever it around the stuff eeven into the bases, but in team slayer hijacking and sticking is imminent. Love how you considered the sniper as a power weapon, most people give it to both teams at the start and it can get ugly. I gotta see how rockets will do on such a small map. Very nice job. 4.5/5 d/ling 2 test. Keep forgin'! -Dylan
well this is different for you but it's good to see something different ill reply after my download but from the pics it looks pretty good 4.75/5
thanx for the advice either way it has 180 respwawn so there won't be to much to see of the ghost and I still gotta figure out how to make a cage with metal polls on sandbox
Prison Cages to make a 'prison' cage all you need to do is take a watchtower wood thing woth those metal poles at ech corner and interlocki the side by side close, but not to close so that the actual metal poles looks close like prison bars. and they have to be completely horizontal with eachother. The 'fake prison bars' which i made up and might use on a infection map are tin cups, the golf hole things, flipped on their side and inside a wall. Then i do that step again like i would with the watchtower, except on the wall and with tin cups. Then you interlock part of the flag part into another wall and tada! It looks like you can't walk through it but you can! Hazzah!
thanks dude if i need any more help i'll ask you thanks everyone else i'm not that scary please post your thoughts on my maps
yeh physcopirahna6 you tell em PEOPLE DON'T BE AFRAID TO POST YOUR THOUGHTS ON PEOPLES MAPS there not scary
The only problem from the pictures is the Killball. Something of that colour in a dark crypt is blinding. Also the fact that people who do not know that you can go in the Killball are at a disadvantage. Also you can't see the rockets inside it, further setting newer people at a disadvantage.
Looks like a great competitive map, the ghosts will make it more fast paced, as well s trying to get the rockets. As well as the sniper, it looks hard to get and it looks like it will change the game play drastically. Good job.
i think you should remove the killball, it doesn't add anything to the gameplay, and the sound of it gets VERY annoying. i like the look of the bases, their cool. and how you've only used half the crypt. too many people try and use all of it, but it usually too big! weapon placement looks good but im not sure about the ghost, ill DL before i say anything tho... BTW how do you get the gravlifts merged? whenever I do it the pop out when u use them...? HELP
thanks for the compliments The gravity lifts are cannon mans I think I called them that because I forgot cannon mans were called at the time Well on to how I did it What I did is I put a something about half the size of a large block underneath where I wanted the cannon man to be . Then set them to respawn at start NO. then put a block were the cannon man was then I force spawned the cannon man.