we just wanted one spot in the campain where u were agianst every thing the game could offer im talk a ton of elites jackels grunts brutes hunters drones flood in all its forms the sential beams those big ones from halo 2 tanks ghost choppers prowlers warthogs the whole nine yards and they were armed with every weapon in the game and the flood use both human and covant vehicals im talking all out war that what i was hopeing for but never got
I always wanted people to post Halo related topics in the Halo forum. We don't always get what we want =(
This sounds like the possibility of a terribly annoying level that would be virtually impossible to complete on legendary. I personally would not want this...
Enough to turn your xbox into a weapon. Halo maximises the xbox's processing power, so does Gears. Its just Gears has less things to process... Dynamic light / shadows and real time physics play a big role in h3, not so big in GOW.
I have always wanted a mission where you have to hold out against swarms of enemies for a period of time.
how about you enter with 2 squads of ODST marines, and once take out about a third of the enemy some helljumpers land for reinforcement or something epic like that.
ya definently not alone have all kinds of vehicles too. the closest thing to that we have is the 2 scarabs in the covenant but i would like to see even more enemies just for the high amount of epicness
yeah because there is just the 2 scarabs and the banshees+one or 2 ghosts and a prowler, we really need one where the covenant are running around as well as driving stuff
I'd have liked something like that. A truel HUGE epic fight. Maybe with a scarab as the prominent fighter on the covy side and some sort of titan fir the humans....lol well,something on par or slightly lower than a scarab) i dont so much like the idea of a chaotic fight where itd be immpossible on legendary. Maybe have the actual in ame fight quite small scale eg your taking a part of the ridge below the main fights plateau. But just to be able to sit there and look at a gigantic fight going on while still having a fairly large one right in fornt of you
What I wanted was drivable pelicans and phantoms, and to be able to be grunts, jackels, hunters, brutes etc, and alot more stuff which I cannot remember at this precise moment.
If I had a personal wish list, it would be massive especially what I expected in halo 3. Halo 3 only offered what it would say it would offer which was a huge disappointment. I thought they would surprise everyone with something. Some things I could've gone for was 50+ multiplayer, giant battlefield of covenent vs. UNSC on foot, a giant woodland level kinda like the modded valhalla (except more trees, larger trees, bushes, etc.), more options for multiplayer (as in rain, snow, day night, fog, no assassinations, etc), a special kind of co-op where you and like 10 or plus others are put on a unsc ship being takin over by the covenant and you have to defeat them, just a more epic desperate feel like in halo 1, weapons that feel more powerful (grr... assault rifle), a cool city level with all houses and windows usable (I've never seen a map like that ever, everything game has some windows and/or doors blocked), bigger multiplayer maps, forging that would allow you to actually create a whole entire map instead of just editing it, remakes of death island, infinity, boardin action, blood gulch, etc, and the list goes on and on. Of course to my dismay, bungie already told us everything before the release so there were no surprises. Oh well, it is still a pretty fun game.
well in halo 2 they had the one part where thier were all the white elites and hunters and some brutes that enjoyed to play and to be honest i just wanted one point where the full potential of the game was used it could of been like an end of the game boss battle without a boss
Ya like I wanted, not a mission, but a playing mode where you had to hold out against swarms of enemies and just see how far you could get.