Mythic DLC Grifball Mythic

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by yamahaftw, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. yamahaftw

    yamahaftw Ancient
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    (this thread was moved from competative to casual)

    Introducing... Grifball Mythic!!!
    Your favourite sport now re-created with a mythic twist! Catch the disease... Again!!!!
    however, this new re-creation has many twists!
    these include:

    -7 woods
    -no camping
    -no bomb sneaking (this means that the bomb carrier cannot longer sneak around the edge of the field)
    -a dimond shaped court
    -bomb plants inside tin cups
    -and last but not least; Mythic Sceneary

    Used with the gametype "grifgolf", this new installment to grifball will leave you shocked. the dimond field has a huge effect on the gameplay, as the bomb carrier can no longer sneak around the edge of the map.

    The gametype, (like the map) has some slight changes to the origanal:
    -only sword starts, which means players will have to pick up the 7 woods ASAP

    hopefully you like, here are the pics

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    Run grif run!!!

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    Blue base view!

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    Red VS blue :)

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    Grif running between the bases!

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    anyway heres the map w/ gametype

    Map: : Halo 3 File Details

    gametype: : Halo 3 File Details

    created by Yamahaftw and FoureyedMonkey
  2. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    You didn't need to create a duplicate thread, just ask a mod next time to move your previous thread to the casual map section. And I'm not too sure if this belongs here anyways, I always thought Grifballl was a minigame.

    Those walls in the corner look way too low, you can easily reach up there if you're the ball carrier and that would cause a lot of camping. Same with the columns. I don't see much of a point in having 7-woods, I mean that will just really piss me off whenever I miss the chance or forget to get it. The tin cups are also really useless in my opinion.

    But just keep forging, let the ideas "boil" and try to strive for some more interesting and fun concepts people can play Grifballl on.
  3. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    There's a couple potential problems here that I could think of. First off, it would be a simple matter to get boosted up onto those columns as the ball carrier, and secondly, wouldn't also be possible to dump all the 7-woods in a place where people can't get to them? (Assuming that 7-woods don't instantly respawn as scenery objects; I don't have a lot of experience with them)
  4. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Hmmm... You fixed things that didn't need to be fixed. Like "Ball Sneaking." That is fun, not a flaw. Also, you cannot spawn with a 7-wood, so I am guessing that you pick it up at spawn. I understand you spawn with hammers and swords, so why 7-woods. I guess for the mythic feel.
  5. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    I think it would help get more downloads if you raised the walls in the corners because as everyone else has said it would be fairly easy for "Grif" to get up there. Also I like the idea of the 7 woods but since you cannot spawn with them it makes the burden of getting them take the fun out of having them. I personally like the way grifball currently is however I think your map isnt wasted at all because there are always those who like things a little differently.
  6. yamahaftw

    yamahaftw Ancient
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    The corners have kill balls placed behind them.
    So even if you did hit a person onto it, they would either fall into the kill ball or just use the advantage for a "death from above" attack.

    Also during our 3 week testing, people only landed up on the corners once or twice.

    Thanks to forge hubs constructive criticism, the gametype will be changed so it is an optional choice to pick up the 7-woods!

    if you think these are good ideas, please say, otherwise enjoy the map.
  7. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
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    If it can be done, people good at it will be able to do it regularly. So upper areas are in fact a problem. People do that for more than a tactical advantage, some just like to stall the game and keep the bomb away from the other team. So you definitely need to let these ideas boil a bit more. And before you call it a diamond, it should probably be a diamond. Bomb sneaking? Really? Never seen a problem with that.
  8. yamahaftw

    yamahaftw Ancient
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  9. Master Spartan

    Master Spartan Ancient
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    finally grifball using golf clubs instead of gravity hammers.

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