I took a break from making giant statues, and decided to use Forge for its true purpose. This is Saber, a symmetrical map set in the Skybubble. I got its name because the Energy Sword is the only item on this map that is not duplicated. Other than that, everything else has been evenly divided among both teams in the same exact spot of the their side of the map. It's meant for 4v4 action that plays on Team Slayer, CTF, and Assault. Details: 1 Energy Sword : 150 Respawn 4 Battle Rifles : 30 Respawn, 2 Spare Clips 2 Shotguns : 90 Respawn, 1 Spare Clip 2 Snipers : 120 Respawn, 2 Spare Clips 2 Brute Shots : 60 Respawn, 2 Spare Clips 2 Needlers : 60 Respawn, 2 Spare Clips 8 Fragmentation Grenades : 10 Respawn 8 Plasma Grenades : 10 Respawn 2 Power Drains : 60 Respawn This is where the fight essentially begins: The exterior isn't any safer: Flag and Bomb spawn here: Brute Shots for both teams: Needlers to protect the corridors: Middle of the map: Link to Download It's pretty simple; just a lot of narrow paths around the middle. But it was the best idea that I could come up with. Any thoughts?
looks pretty cool with the statium look but with the middle it's looks like it needs more cover with the sword it's just an easy target. With the hallways i recomend putting in cover walls so the neederler does not dominate the area, the sword is in a good spot but it needs cover. LOS Line Of Sight is a problem to because it's very wide open spaces so the players feels like walking in the middle of an ambush Anyway it's a good map
Lines of sight are a big problem on the map. Lines of sight are when you can see for long distances without having an interupted view. Even on the outside those columns won't help much because they're just cover, and they don't break the lines of sight. What you need to do is change the map geometry (add hills or extend walls) things that look in place with the map that help with the flow.
the big thing about maps in the skybubble is that grenades falling through the ground.. in the middle u have like 15 slit walls and grenades will EASILy fall through. try putting walls and duble walls instead of slit walls. and mayb add a bit more cover around mid.
Thanks for the advice, everyone. I was out of options after reaching the object limit number, so it was kind of difficult accommodating for more variety. I'm kind of disappointed that spawn points count towards the limit, otherwise I would have put more on the map. As for the slit walls, I ran out of doubles, so those were pretty much my only option. I see where the trouble lies in terms of line of sight, but alas, not only did I hit the limit, but I'm still kind of a novice at map design. I knew there should 've been be more corners, but I didn't know where to implement them. Any other ways I can improve?
i think this looks pretty sweet, in terms of forging, my only concern is in the needler pic there seems to be a nice bump there between the two walls? it might not be significant but whatever. i have one suggestion for you... by removing the central four double blocks at either side, in the centre of the rows of them (BLUE) that frees up 8 items AND adds versatility to your map's gameplay, current its like two corridors either side and a central area, but this links 2 corridors, providing cover, and routes of attack/escape. if these holes are too big just replace two double blocks on each side, but place them vertically. you know what I mean? then, with these four items PLACE COVER IN THE CENTER! oh here's another idea! at this stage you should have 4 or 8 free items, 12 if you decide to delete these two ramps. thats 6 for each side. With that six you could build a nice 'room' (it doesn't need a ceiling) with a front at back door. allowing access to the sword via the red arrows, or just gunning it straight forward, their choice. Ideally, try at maintain the 'wall' that separates the middle from the first corridor tho... also, do you know how to interlock? i think you might, but ill explain anyway. go up to the four slits circled in green when in monitor mode, press X on them and go set at start No and bump up the respawn time (to at least 60) then press start and go start new round. Then quickly, (you only have sixty seconds) go to the sword platform item (the walls should be gone) and lower in down onto the sky bubble. Any second now the walls will reappear and the platform will be lower down. make sure you press X on the walls again and go place to start YES! the reason for this is so you don't have to jump twice to get the sword, now it is a smooth ramp, then a jump, which just makes life easier. HOPE THIS GIVES YOU IDEAS
This looks like one hella good map. Love the ascetics and it looks brilliant to play. You Could Make An MLG Version which would pwn! Overall 4.9/5
I was actually considering an MLG variant. But I thought that the use of a power drain in a small close quarters map would tip the battle in one team's favor. And thanks for the ideas Oneill, I'll see how they work out.