Introducing... Grifball Mythic!!! Your favourite sport now re-created with a mythic twist! Catch the disease... Again!!!! however, this new re-creation has many twists! these include: -7 woods -no camping -no bomb sneaking (this means that the bomb carrier cannot longer sneak around the edge of the field) -a dimond shaped court -bomb plants inside tin cups -and last but not least; Mythic Sceneary Used with the gametype "grifgolf", this new installment to grifball will leave you shocked. the dimond field has a huge effect on the gameplay, as the bomb carrier can no longer sneak around the edge of the map. The gametype, (like the map) has some slight changes to the origanal: -only sword starts, which means players will have to pick up the 7 woods ASAP if the players choose not to use the 7-woods, they will suffer against the other team. luckily the 7-woods spawn at the starting points and respawn very quickly. hopefully you like, here are the pics Run grif run!!! Blue base view! Red VS blue Grif running between the bases! SCORE! anyway heres the map w/ gametype Map: : Halo 3 File Details gametype: : Halo 3 File Details created by Yamahaftw and FoureyedMonkey
in my opinion this is a waste of time, i mean, your intentions are good but there's no need for this map. Having to pick up seven irons? tedious trying to stop creeping around the side by adding cover? how does that work and im sure you could get hit up onto the scenery when hit by a 7wood This just doesn't cut it for a competitive map, I think it should be moved to casual section... 2/5
agreed with previous post and the items floaating in air would cause camping and no one wants that but keep forging
Have you not seen how high players can get in Grifball? Sometimes the bomb carrier can be hammered to the soft ceiling on Foundry so getting on top of those corner pieces would be no trouble. There are already a few good Sandbox Grifball maps. The Grif Cave in matchmaking is good, they rebuilt 3 walls and the roof of the crypt to make a smaller court. Its a smaller version of the crypt in the crypt!
I don't like the fact that the gameplay is broken, but your attempt to add in "scenery" was an all right concept. People will still be able to get to the tops of these and camp away from the gravity hammer gravity. I agree in that there is no point in trying to remake the map. The grifball map I made also didn't have 7 woods because it is a little frusterating to be playing and realize when you respawn, you will need to scavenge the area for a better weapon. It just affects the flow and gameplay too greatly. If you wanted to keep your original design or expand it, go with geomerging. That's the only thing I can really recommend...
1. There are many, MANY Grifball Mythic variations. 2. This looks a bit sloppy. I.E. Some of the scenery looks a bit tilted. 3. Stick with Grav Hammers. Trust me, picking up a weapon that can shoot that same weapon far away and out of reach is just chaos. The Golf Ball thing, I kinda like. Although I may have seen it somewhere before. I can't really remember.