My girlfriend (who is currently attending veterinary school) asked me to whip up a desktop background. Here's the result: Whatcha think?
It looks really good, I love everything around the text. The only thing I can think of doing is making the background a little less busy.
The flowery type vector that wraps around the text could be enlightened quite a bit, it's a little too dull. Also, the background could be better without the texture on it me thinks.
Thanks guys. Oh, and my layer masks around the individual flowers are a bit grainy (if you look close enough). Anybody know how to achieve better results? I basically selected the flowers and grew the selection by a few px, then used that to mask the background flowers.
As Whisper said, there isn't much grain, but if it really bothers you, you can select the flowers, increase the size, and then feather it by 1-2 pixels so as to hide any particularly jagged edges... I really like the work you did with the vectors (did you use brushes, or vector/pen them yourself?), and the color scheme is nice. I think that the colors in the bottom center and lower right are the best because they are bright, so it might look good if you made all of the colors in the background that bright. Overall, very nice work.
looks good, i think if you embossed it or something (the text) into the flowery blob thing that its on.. lol i like it though
Thanks, guys. The vines and splatters are brushes, and the hibiscus flowers are from a nice little dingbat font I found... so I can't take credit for any of the fine work (though I wish I could). I did pen-tool out the main shape surrounding the text, though, lol. Maybe I'll whip up a V2 if I have some extra time.