NOTE: THIS PIECE IS STILL UNFINISHED. There is a lot of work still left to do, so be intelligent and don't criticize things that obviously aren't done. The text will not just be that basic blue color, it will have more added.
for some reason, the wall seems like its kind of flat to me.. like its slanting backwards as opposed to being perpindicular. small comment just to bump the thread cause theres no comments
I like how the lighting is defined with the shadows, the background texture isn't bad. The upper left darking is to small there fore to obvious it's distracting, the water could be better [the water its self and how it reacts with the wall behind it], the darker side of the text should be slanted not directly behind it.
The text shadow is slanted. And I think I'm going to have to take some reference shots to see how the water interacts with a wall like that.
I said darker side of text not text shadow bro. In other words you see how the text is to color's? that means your trying to give it a 3d effect but the way it is right now is very flat it would look way better slanted
The perspective of the text is terrible, it should be the same for all the text, and it was hard to read the white/grayish text, the bottom text looks like your looking it from the top, and the blue text looks like its slanted, the perspective on the blue text is the best, bot still not very good </harshness> Overall the idea isn't bad but the could be better.
The perspective on the water bottle is wrong, making the wall seem flat. Also, the water looks entirely unrealistic and the text looks like its from a cheap commercial or microsoft word 2000. Honesty is helpful
You are looking at the bottom text from the top, lol. I know the water is flat, it's not complete. And I told you not to comment on what the text looks like because it's undone