My brother and my friend were playing Horde on Gridlock from Wave 1 but an unusual thing happened, there were Sires. My brother and my friend played through about 20 waves and there we're only Sires the entire time. It really got intense on the 10th and 20th waves when there we're the most, on the 10th they were charged by about 10 of them with a constant stream of reinforcements behind them but by the 20th they wisened up and picked up a Lancer. It was a chainsaw massacre.
Its not a glitch- entire Labor Day weekend is all Hardcore Sires. They did the same thing with all Tickers for Independance Day.
It's amazing the lengths Epic go to make that game not play like shite. I call waves of Tickers. EDIT: POST ABOVE ME MADE ME LOL.
Stupid sentence is redundant. I might actually have to dust off the ole GoW2. Seems like I was pretty close to getting my 50, and I would love to chainsaw me some sires. I'm glad you thought it was a glitch, otherwise I never would have heard about this. Edit: Oooh, boy. 500xp for hardcore horde on Dark Corners maps. I'll be getting my 50 in no time. >:]
Yeah, I played GoW2 yesterday to (successfully) get the Skeletons in your Closet achievement. At wave 10, I was all like RRRRRRRRRRREEEEEIR!
Yeah, I got my 50, but my friends were being dicks, so we didn't play any horde. That would have been a prime time to get to 40 on Memorial and 50 on Nowhere. I guess I will have to do it the old fashioned way... damn Bloodmounts.