Ok, I am currently a 19 in Team Swat and need someone GOOD to help me rank up. Please send me a message via PM and well figure out when and where. I am willing to pay a one month or MS Points depending on how high you can help me get. I am looking just for someone good to play with. Let me know.
Just letting you know that a great majority of people aren't really going to accept your offer of MS points or XBL subscription. Most people will help you for free.
I'll help on my other account. I'm a Legit 45 in Swat on Given, but I'm not risking that, so I'll play on an account called Igoturpistola, on my friends list. I didn't pick the name... PM me if interested, and I would like to do it for free, but I need MS points too, lol
Yo ill help you Im like a 41, I play with a neg exp booster too, so you'll go up fastt. Hit me up on xbl: L A X R
I like one months.. I can boost you on my boosting acc. idk how high you'll go though.. IS your connection Good? or dollar store connection? P.S: Im not an Alien.