Yes, and apparently it doesn't make the execs rethink their recipe either. For what it is, sure. Clearly it wasn't what I expected it to be.
Speaking of Tacos, I had some the other night. Home Made tastes great, I don't like the Fast Food ones because they're always too greasy or too small. @Topic : I have to agree with J4M that, once you get it done and learn something new. Make something else that doesn't consist of the SAME DAMN THING. Add what you've learned but don't make it look the same as other peoples' sigs. Yeah, that's all I have to say. :3
But rethinking the recipe means it would cost too much, and therefore the market of people who want pretty nice food without having to spend a lot of cash. Some people have the money spare to eat somewhere nice, while others are stuck eating the Taco Bell until they have a breakthrough and can afford nicer places. Now please, no more Metaphors. My brain hurts.
Eighty-nine cents never tasted soo good. I sound like I'm from the commercial. But I enjoy their food, even if it's unhealthy for you. Anyways, lets get back on topic here, sorry mods. Lol.
In fairness, I don't see how the community can backlash over a wave of very similar signitures when the Race Map subforum has been an ocean of cloned mediocrity for months.
I have a better idea... YouTube - Riot-Three Days Grace Hehe.... But anyway, at I think it was Loshon who asked, I felt pretty honored (and majorly surprised) at just how popular my sigs, the stocks and the style became... as long as it doesn't result in everyone using my Security armor settings, it's all cool with me lol At J4M, Only allowing about 2 or so sigs per style is a bit harsh. If you want to do so, that's cool, but others should and do have the freedom to use a style as long as they want, as much as they want and how they want to. Although I agree that everyone should really use their own styles, basing yours off of others isn't bad if you use that style to help in creating your own. That's what I usually do to create a new style, I look at tuts and different styles and combine ideas as well as use my own to make a totally new style.