High Rise By: KFirejumper Recomended Players: 2-8 (supports 10) Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Capture the flag, King of the Hill, Oddball, Territories You might have noticed this is a foundry map, it would have been nice to do this on sandbox but i had already started it on foundry before sandbox came out. also i think it be nice to see some more foundry maps, it still good for great maps. High rise was originally desined to be a strictly octagonal map. that changed to accomadate better gameplay, you can still see the octagonal feel that it has though. also i wanted to give it more of a landscape than just a flat warehouse with boxes every where, so i gave it a large hill structure right smack in the middle. make the map great for king of the hill and even free for all. you can see from the picture that there is a shotgun on top of the hill, that kind of allowes for a rush to the middle with a mosh pit effect, very fun for free for all. probably my best map yet definately the funnest. i hope you enjoy. the den the garage the sword hall in the back the sniper tower Download Here Other Maps By KFirejumper Little Schloss, Esterase, Corridor
I love this map's use of elevation! Never have I seen a map deal out a better elevation design with gameplay to back it up! Wow. Some of the parts of this map are semi-mini-game-ish such as the Warthog jumps or the jumping ladder. But anyway, great job with the design and crafting. This is definately Foundryworthy, as I'll give it a 5/5. Great job.
i really like the idea with elevation but withthe warthogs how many are there. geo and forging is great could u please add a weapons list
Damn, this map has great height variation. The way you looked at the map and actually made necessary object placement helps to the overall appeal. This map is especially nice since it's on Foundry, where the Urban, run down theme works well with the title. Nice layout, everything else, weapon placement and such, I can decide later. But a well made map...
I expected an apartment clicking on this ^_^ I was wrong. This is a very nice map, but maybe a Ghost rather than a warthog. That should make things a bit more random and fun.
Very nice layout. I love the fact that it's NOT a close quaters map on foundry like many are. Smooth interlocking too. Also, I like how you have decided to include a hog. Remember Turf everyone?
This looks cool, but idk, like sniper and stuff there seems to be a lot of jumping, which can get tedious... ramps are far superior! also in the third picture, is that where you placed the BR or has it just fallen over? it should be propped up against the wall, things like that make a map more professional... 4/5
Dude, Great looking map and I love the way it plays. I'm not so sure how I like there being a sword and a shotty but whatever. Keep it up. -Ren
Thanks for the comments guys, glad you liked it. there is only one warthog as one of you asked and souperintendant a ghost would be interesting. also that br did fall over it was originally standing. Ren i was worried about the same issue with the shotty sword and sniper all on the same map but the sword and sniper are both out of the way and should be too detrimental to gameplay also it is a very open map which gives short range maps a disadvantage. and for the weapon list i think this is it 1 sniper 1 shotty 1 sword 4 br's 3 carbines 2 plasma rifles 2 smg's 1 plasma pistol
This is a good map, i like to see that people are still making maps on Foundry. You did a good job with the interlocking, everything looks all smooth. I don't see much Geo merging but there probably is. Still very nice job, maybe you could expand with this map on Sandbox and make a upper floor or a v2. 9/10
yeah acctually i am working a V2 for sandbox, i would have done it on sandbox to start but i hadnt downloaded the maps when i had the idea so i didnt feel like starting over
This is a really well thought out and nicely planned idea, but a warthog? Wait, theres more than one? This map is waaay too small for any number of warthogs. Maybe a ghost, but as you said it also has good ffa gameplay, making the warthog essentially a really big fusion coil (or a little annoying toy for those losing 24-5.) There is no point. Also, the hill is total spawn kill. You get up there with BRs, or a snipe, then get someone in each base and the other team constantly spawns right under the hill for easy shotgun/BR combos. If you placed fusion coils up there, it would be good. Other than that, your map seems like its a lot of fun, and I cant wait to see your next map. This has pro iNt3rLokz
no there is only one warthog, two would be rediculus and i see what your saying about the fusion coils cause i was worried about the shotty being to easy to dominate with esspecially with a hieght advantage.