OK guys, these sigs all look awesome, I'm not saying they don't, and I'm quite envious of some of them. Who wouldn't? But, there is absolutely no point making the same signature over and over again, if you're going to use the same techniques for each one, and only change the stock. Use halo, that's great, but try new techniques! Even if it comes out suckish, you will have learnt something. Making a signature with the same effects over and over again will not help you. Recently I did the same thing, I made some pretty cool sigs, but all using the same techniques. I wasted about 2 weeks, but because the sigs were nice I kept at it. Then I realised it wasn't about how good it looked, it was about finding new things and experimenting. I'm not trying to target anyone, but once you've done one or two of the same style, move on. Please.
OMG I HAVE BEEN USING DIFFERENT STYLES!! RANT RANT RANT ^^theres all the ranting he needs so nobody bug him about it. i agree, but do have one contradiction to you j4m... the trend has actually taught some people new things. i know some of these people would never have used the clone stamp, colour changing, and wisp techniques before then, so this taught some people. but once you learn guys, try expanding is what hes trying to say. thanks for bringing it up.. speaking of which.. i say we make a tag wall from this halo trend. one sig from each person, just to advertise our awesome halo luvin'ness.. whos in? (but stay on topic, dont discuss it here)
Yes, I really like that some people have learnt new things, and then moved on, but i've seen the same signture over and over from some people. No names. I'm not saying this trend was bad, in many ways it was very good, but now almost everyone has tried, and succeeded in it. So just move on ;].
Yup, I picked up some new tricks, and I took the time to try BWC's recoloring technique. I think once everyone gets to try their hand at this style and make 4-5 sigs, someone will come up with a new style. Maybe we'll have a contest for the next big style.
Didn't read the whole thing, but what i did read i agree. ALl the sigs look the SAME! Example: (just some i picked out in the last few minutes) No offense towards any of the creators, just pointing it out.
Hopefully this trend wont last, i love seeing people that have their own style. Yeah, you can read tuts, but the main reason i used to read tuts was in order to learn new techniques. You take some techniques from one tut, then a few from another, then so on, and eventually, you have your own unique style. Use tuts to learn more about the program's features.
Dun hate... I just did it cause I was asked to do so lol... I mean um... IT WAS JUGG! BLAME HIM!!! *runs away to Guatemala*
yeah, but when you follow tut's you will usually want to add something extra/use a different type of stock xP
yeah, because anyone can follow directions, its like making a building out of Legos while reading the directions EXACTLY, then in the end calling it your own creations. Yes, fail analogy is fail, but thats all i could come up with to describe the subject matter.
Your idea. Anyways, I just made that style, it's like a ****ing fad, but I enjoy my vibrant style. Everything else on here is soooo dark and I'm just pretty much perfecting this and then I'll move on. Besides, you guys know I switch styles more than anyone else. I've got one last one then I'll prolly just dig another hole and hide and create another new fad randomly when I pop out again. It's like a bread in a toaster, it's never the same amount of crispness. Besides, Piggles and I can't help if people are crazily following our style. =/ I blame it on lack of imagination and creativity.
I think we are mad at the people using your style. It was original, but sadly, the people of FH ruined it for me. Props on making such a hit trend though.