This won't embed for some reason: YouTube - Splinter Cell: Conviction E3 2009 Trailer [H"]400 Bad Request This is more of a spoiler vid: YouTube - E3 2009: Splinter Cell Conviction Video Preview I know there's already a thread like this, but it was made in January, 08... so I figured why not put up a new up-to-date one with more info, amirite? I'm really pumped! I loved the other games in the series.. ..Although I think the quality in this game might be a little downgraded.. what, without all the cool gear and stuff. And also, this game seems more like a 'run in with guns blasting' approach, instead of the 'hide and take everyone out one by one' (which I loved, by the way). Well, what do you think?
woah! looks intense!! almost like a current Assassin's creed, only you can do more stuff! ive never played any splinter cell games, but this looks sweet
i've played all of them from the start and i think they lost their touch. The whole point of the games were stealth and they were losing it with double agent, and it looks like they completly lost it now. I'm sure it will be fun it just wont be the sam fisher that i knew and loved.