I know you can make a purple power up orb by interlocking a camo and an OS. Since red(OS) blue(camo) and yellow(CPU) are the primary colors can you do that with a cPU and OS to make orange or a camo and a CPU to make green which could be used to mark secondary bases as usually MLG maps will have the red and blue bases and then purple and gold. I was thinking about making a sandbox map w a red and a blue but having a green section using tin cups but i wanted to be able to mark the wall over a tunnel with a green symbol but i do not want to use a teleporter as i have seen done before
Unless you can interlock (or geomerge) a tin cup with one of the walls inside the tunnel, there's not really another option.
But i was asking if that would work the same way as the camo and OS do. I would try it out but i don't get a chance to get on xbox very often anymore.
If I remember correctly Camo and CPU do not create the color green. I think you just get one or the other...
Well, it doesn't work. I've tried it before, it just gives a White light with a slight tone of either blue or yellow.
I think its because it is such a pale yellow. If it was a more golden yellow then it might work. So you either have a off-white marker or use teleporter nodes.
You can get blue (camouflage), red (overshield), yellow (custom powerup), and purple (camouflage + custom powerup). Any and all other combinations yield white.
Accually, It does work. Stacking yellows makes a darker yellow, I'm not sure if 3 yellows and 1 blue might work, try 2 blue and 4 yellow or something. That might be better.
If you honestly can't make green, then Bungie failed the "Colors" test in first grade. Okay, Jason, what do blue and yellow make? Umm... white!(goes back to eating paste). Joking aside, this is a good idea. We're all talking about blue and yellow; Anyone tried yellow and red for orange yet? I might tomorrow if no, but I can't get on now.
I agree. i also think bungie should have made a gold or yellow light for sandbox. they know that the Custom PowerUp is commonly used to mark side bases and different areas of maps just as the the Camo and OS were so it would be common sense to make a yellow light too? I suppose a receiver node will have to do