Portfolio- xXmooregamesXx

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xXmooregamesXx, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, I decided to post one, but it isn't quite done. I made some buttons, but I have other stuff that I will update soon. But here:
    [​IMG] Locked Thread

    [​IMG] New Post in Thread

    [​IMG] No New Post in Thread

    [​IMG] Download Button

    Logo/ Button, but I'll count it as a button.

    My 3D Modeling Logo

    My Phone Background

    Sarge's BIB Productions Logo: Attempt 2. He liked it, but it wasn't exactly what he wanted. I am sorry that I never ended up doing the last one Sarge. I lost the .psd, so it was impossible.

    AN attempted logo for Coyote's site, H3 Artificers. It was actually re-made from Zero Fox's origional design, but some things were blurry, so I fixed it up and added some interesting things to it...

    Misc. Images

    Cool little Army picture I whipped up in like 15 minutes. It's not very good. at all...

    Well, this is a little Carbon fiber background that I am using. I really love how carbon fiber looks, so I re-imagined this background. The reason I say re-imagined is because I mod my iPOd, which, if you make custom themes like me, takes some good graphic skills. For one of the themes, I made a carbon theme where a crappier/ less cool version of this was the background. (And just if you are wondering how to get a background on your iPods, go here: iPod Wizard)

    Hmmm... let's see what I need...
    • 3 Misc.
    • 1 logo.
    I just wanted to get those out there (The THread ones were made for here...) and I will continue to update. I just wanted to make sure I got one up before everyone got picked... And the thread ones are the forge selector if you didn't notice...

    And I am very sorry if this being under construction is an inconvenience...
    #1 xXmooregamesXx, Apr 9, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2008
  2. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    pretty nifty buttons. . . do you have any other work?
  3. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the download button a lot.
    With the thread buttons, however, I would suggest making the face design look more sunken in. This would (in my opinion)
    make your buttons look more "buttony."
  4. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lier! You said you weren't good a photoshop....
  5. Beettaaa

    Beettaaa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    haha, I see what your button idea was now!


    Great job on buttons!
  6. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    Wow those buttons are really creative. Really Forge themed.

    Great work Mooregames!
  7. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys, and lol opo... I am still updating, so keep checking back (it will be late tonight or tommorow because I am pretty busy right now...)
  8. Meta93

    Meta93 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow impressive. really impressive. Do you mind me asking what programs you use for your images and 3d modeling?
  9. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Images- Adobe Photoshop 6.0
    3D Models- Google SketchUp

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